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Everything posted by lemming

  1. Re: Order of the Stick It's good to see that a house cat can still take out a spell caster.
  2. Re: The cranky thread Oh it wasn't you by a long shot. No one on the board even. Heck, I felt guilty not trying to get in contact with you when I was in Oregon the last couple times. No the guy I'm taking about is an overbearing loudmouth that abuses women.
  3. Re: The cranky thread There are few people that I would really want to beat the **** out of, but this guy has made the list.
  4. Re: EM-50 Urban Assault Vehicle Well, remember it was a comedy. Real world was very far away. "Such a truck would be good for picking up girls in Minsk."
  5. Re: "Outsider" perspective on Hero System Hero doesn't give you powers that are absolute, but it does give you the recipe and ingredients to make an absolute for the campaign conditions.
  6. Re: R-O-L-E or R-O-L-L Oh it existed pre-web as well.
  7. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Scales is my Dex 8 brick. Though he's very capable of taking the hits.
  8. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... My character, Scales, in 900+ experience, has been missed about 18 times total. (And mostly by some very annoying agents.)
  9. Re: R-O-L-E or R-O-L-L Always hated that term. My experience with people using that term to describe their game, usually meant they had one specific way to roleplay and all others were inferior.
  10. Re: Which Champioin are you Apparently Ironclad likes peanut butter.
  11. Re: Reworking or Replacing Villains who don't fit I like that special effect.
  12. Re: EM-50 Urban Assault Vehicle From The Hunt for Red October
  13. Re: What powers frustrate u & disrupt your campaigns? We had that, and finally just had a campaign rule that two levels of hardened would be proof against any piercing combo. Which got everyone to not have anything past that. And we only had a few bricks that wound up with double hardened.
  14. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... She could easily have a radiation accident where she gets the full use of her gravity powers instead of just their current localized use.
  15. Re: Musings on Random Musings I feel more like I'm in a Terry Gilliam film.
  16. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Meh. 24 cm short.
  17. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER And those things hurt if dropped on you from 5000'
  18. Re: Grond is up with podcast So it's radioactive acne! *oh dear, I'm writing that up in my brain right now*
  19. Re: The Last Word I thought sticky goo... oh never mind.
  20. Re: Grond is up with podcast He's got a couple of the acne bits on his chest too. And he's missing a few digits. I can live with this, but it's not inspiring.
  21. Re: The cranky thread I'm very sorry Dan. That's more crappy stuff to deal with for a year than one should have to.
  22. Re: The Last Word You're going to hurt yourself if you keep stifling
  23. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Sorry guys, I didn't make it over to Heart Attack grill over the weekend. Work got in the way.
  24. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Got to watch that first step though.
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