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Everything posted by lemming

  1. Re: Tike's Toybox of Doom! Legos are the ultimate VPP.
  2. Re: The Last Word You poor bastich.
  3. Re: The Last Word So my wife did read it. She found it caters to 13 year girls, but didn't see why it would have that big of a following.
  4. Re: And the old shall swallow the new... Always worries me when a company that was having problems, can buy another one. But I haven't been following Atari lately, maybe they're better off than they were a few years back?
  5. Re: A Thread for Random Mooings Posted by Nexus in Funny Picts.
  6. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread So my laptop died in September and last week my main computer decided it would die. While I still haven't given up hope on the computer, I did just find a decent laptop that my wife said "Sounds cheaper than anticipated, go for it."
  7. Re: The cranky thread Ugh. Kind of sad, my last doctors visit. I showed up a little early, was seen promptly and wound up on my way five minutes before my appointment was supposed to be. That never happens. We expect your experience which truly sucks.
  8. Re: A Thread for Random Musings "Jen in no way means to imply, allude to, or otherwise state that all investment bankers are blood sucking leeches or, conversely, that all blood sucking leeches are investment bankers. Any and all similarities between the aforementioned “Investment Bankers” and “Blood Sucking Leeches” may be purely coincidental and should be disregarded unless, of course, the above parties wish to be known as each other, in which case we, as members of the “World Community” should accept and embrace that choice." http://cakewrecks.blogspot.com/
  9. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Sanctuary - J. Geils Band
  10. Re: Why do the Champions waste so much time being "good citizens?" Yum, Necro Wafers.
  11. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Hello - The Cars
  12. Re: The cranky thread My main computer isn't booting. Just comes up with A0 on the motherboard. Time to check the manual.
  13. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER My litter boxes are all medium sized totes with a hole cut in the end. Got them cheap for $5 apiece and much less scatter. We had one cat that would start crouched while peeing and stand up. Solved that problem.
  14. Re: Build my Computer! No. Trust me, that's all of them.
  15. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game So far, I'm liking the little changes I've noticed here and there. Overview of I 13 Not sure about the Shield Set. I'll be trying out the Pain powerset on a MM later. Having two different playable builds per character is interesting. Making all my alts get jobs. We'll see how that plays out. haven't checked out Bruce Harlick's missions yet. Upgrading MM pets is much easier now.
  16. Re: The Last Word I doubt she'll convert. She just wants to see how bad it really is.
  17. Re: Musings on Random Musings On Relationships: They can be messy, and relationships with Ex's often are. And about Gift cards. :thumbsup: There are a few occasions where they don't work so well. Like a gift card for the florist isn't a good idea, but my wife loves getting others such as for book stores.
  18. Re: The Last Word Was the class Statistics?
  19. Re: The Last Word Funny, but the book sounds weirder and weirder. Though my wife picked it and is going to read it.
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