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Everything posted by lemming

  1. Re: Slow Space Elevator Hmm, Now I'm thinking about Paranioa.
  2. Re: I killed a fellow PC last night...
  3. Re: I killed a fellow PC last night... The most player vs. player action I saw in a campaign was in a Viking game. Though most of the time it was just fisticuffs, though one time it was me and Sam Bell's duking it out at a dinner for Harald Bluetooth. Years later (character and real life), we had continued the campaign in Valhalla and there was some magic item that each of us wanted. One of the us, Sven, said we should duel it out and he decided, no armor. Now each of us by this time had some magic swords and could deal out a 5d6 HKA. Quick fight each time. I won basically that I had the best DCV and got lucky. Later on, I remember Eric (Sam's) and mine fighting over who got to charge the giant's castle first. While we were fighting it out, Sven charged the castle.
  4. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread I'm a fan of carmelizing them as well. The trick is to let them carmelize for at least a couple hours slowly.
  5. Re: What are your HERO stats like? I know I have some stats higher than average (STR, maybe BOD), but yep, it's hard to put RL into numbers. Personaly I think I'm built with very low inefficiency.
  6. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread I'll bet. I just had a mole (no relation to you) burned off my back and that wasn't all that great. And that's small compared to a cyst.
  7. Re: Col. Blinky Perhaps Col Blinky lost the special abilities of the eye stalks, and that's why all the hardware? Either that, or it's a way around magic defenses.
  8. Re: The Last Word That would be a good idea. Now if they could get past their ADD.
  9. Re: Musings on Random Musings From myself as well.
  10. Re: Help! Need a name! Mr. Green Genes what?
  11. Re: The Last Word They probably have a hard time sharpening the pencils.
  12. Re: The Last Word Flies take tests?
  13. Re: The Last Word Did they just drop quicker than usual?
  14. Re: Stalin versus Hitler Interesting use of metaphors.
  15. Re: And the old shall swallow the new...
  16. Re: A mathematical difficulty Yes indeed.
  17. Re: A mathematical difficulty Accounting for that we went for different methods, our areas worked out the similar. I would say you were more accurate. Now, you went ahead and did the area's of the sensors, however, your method points out we all made a bit of an goof. A round circle will have to have overlap so that we don't wind up with gaps, so we'd have to expand your method a little. And probably just treat each sensor as a squared circles, windup with having to use a factor of Pi more sensors.
  18. Re: Tike's Toybox of Doom! How about a ray that turns someone into a slinky, then they fall down stairs?
  19. Re: A mathematical difficulty The area of a sphere of that size would be for simplistic sake: (60*60*24*365/2) = 1/2 light year (It's off a bit) The area of the sphere would be that squared x 4 x pi, so (60*60*24*365/2) * (60*60*24*365/2) * 4 * 3.14 = 3,122,790,589,440,000 which is the area of the sphere in number of light seconds. So yea, there would be a few of them... Oh, a light second is 299,792,458 meters
  20. Re: And the old shall swallow the new...
  21. Re: And the old shall swallow the new... I think rjcurrie covered it quite well. I don't see this impacting DOJ except possibly in work flow of Cryptic's area that DOJ can use. And unless Cryptic was having problems, the best course for Atari will be to let them do what they've been doing. Yea, that could be a naive statement, but one can hope.
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