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Everything posted by lemming

  1. I do remember there were different printings at the time. (sorta annoyed, just did a sorting of all my champs books and seem to be missing my first editions.) The second edition I have is a grayscale of the upper cover which makes me think the bottom cover picture is an older one. Hmm, I thought it was exact, but it's not. The hand in the lower left is gone, and they played with the fonts and placement of "The super hero role playing game" and "By steve peterson and george macdonald" so they don't interact with the guys fist.
  2. Yes. Hilarious though I would have been one of those jumping back about ten feet.
  3. Doesn't matter. They're just a puppet of the fully paid secret masters. ""A paintbrush from the hackers' convention controls the treacherous tin-plated pop tart."
  4. One of my friends had a character with this origin fragment: "Convicted of a crime, he was too stupid to commit...."
  5. Sniped a sale of six lego superheroes on ebay. Hilarious that you can turn their head around for a different expression.
  6. For some reason, our largest cat (16 lbs) is the one who wants to be on your shoulder. The two six pounders, if they're on you, usually it's just laptime. Or in bed sitting on your chest staring at you. Though the fluffy one tends to drape across my wife's neck in bed.
  7. Yea, some difference between Cancer's reading group and later. I wound mostly with 70s - '92 when I stopped. (Spiderman Carnage 12 parter pushed me over the edge) There are good stories in all those age ranges (and to the present), but a lot of crap as wel. I got more tired by the big events that didn't actually have any effect, and seemed more about selling different covers. And the constant retelling of a story that was already done a few times. I stil have a few long boxes with some comics I enjoyed. Most independants, though I haven't even looked at them for five or six years.
  8. Most common antibiotic for me has been Augmentin, but I haven't had any for four years now. (apparently, past conscious)
  9. Just got a raspberry pi and am setting it up for some photo projects where I'm building some cameras. Mainly using old lenses, though may see I can make a digital back for some poloroids, etc... This is a test photo thru a vivitar lens. The red dots are a reflection of the led on the pi's camera board. (we'll be fixing that, though it works for this)
  10. Wow. Only eight short isn't bad. I had goals last year which I think I got one done of... Too much reliance on others and getting depressed over stuff I no longer have a part of. Back at the sanctuary, I had worked with one particular cat and had gotten him to a pretty good point. After I left, I still came back and worked with him. Taking him for walks and just keeping him engaged. New management then came down hard on me because of stuff I'm a little unclear why. To continue working with this cat, I wound up having to go thru "volunteer training", which was funny since I had written up some of the guidelines. And I hopped thru a bunch of different hoops, and then got told I couldn't actually work with the cat. I could still visit him and at least I'm friends with one of the people that still works with him. It's just annoying when I see a story about how much progress he has made in the last three years celebrating something "he never has experienced before", when I used to do that with him all the time.
  11. Quality Assurance. Yea, I'm starting to do a resume for each now. Doesn't help that my worst skill seems in selling myself.
  12. None of our cats have had the surgery, but I know plenty that have had it done. Most have to be on a diet for low crystals afterwards (which is usually the first thing to try before surgery)
  13. Bleh. I need to rewrite my resume, which is annoying because I'm not even sure what type of job I'll be going for. Software, QA, photography, or animal related?
  14. I think it's because it's dawning on him that he's not the main villain and therefore just a side show portion of the story.
  15. Despite the carp, we still have some good plans going forward.
  16. Find Weakness was an odd power. We started removing it from our games at one point just because it was pretty powerfull and everything needed lack of weakness, or would wind up having 1 point of defense against certain opponents. Note, these were fairly high powered games. As a substitute, I like a power that adds extra dice to an attack, with a skill roll.
  17. Hummingbird moths are cool. (We have them around here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/15066255@N08/1606623020/in/photolist-3rYn3U )
  18. Bleh. Friend of mine was diagnosed with cancer back in September. Incredibly fast growing and despite efforts, she passed away last night.
  19. In the old days, I saw too many lucky hits on "impossible to hit" characters. I like combat armor for that reason. Just enough to keep people from dying from a rolled 3 to the face.
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