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Everything posted by lemming

  1. Re: New Product: Crystalline Counters [accessory] That's probably a -1/2 limitation. But yea, it's pretty obvious what they are.
  2. Re: New Product: Crystalline Counters [accessory] They look like they may be cool looking, but if you click on the pictures, they're very low res. 80 x 240 is being blown up it looks like.
  3. Re: The Last Word Has to have that sort of catchy non-linear thought. IMO
  4. Re: The cranky thread So this guy was dumped in/near the sanctuary semi-recently. Hard to tell, we've been bouncing between snow and 80 Fahrenheit weather last couple weeks. He's dehydrated and under weight. And the kicker is that he's declawed, so there's goes some food gathering/defense ability. We have coyotes on the property. I'm not happy with some people today, but I'm happy we got him in time. At least I hope we did, sometimes this can take a toll on their system, so we won't know for a couple weeks if there's anything long term.
  5. Re: The Last Word Good Band name
  6. Re: Mass musings Since Body is one of those stats that derives from more than one thing. Sure, Mass does fall into it, especially for inanimate objects, but for characters, there's also the will to survive.
  7. Re: The cranky thread I'm really getting sick of the ache in my left shoulder. Very little is helping it, but sometimes I find a position that works for a bit.
  8. Re: The Last Word We'll have to stick with integers. Maybe decimals a bit
  9. Re: The Last Word That's your solution to everything. Which is probably why I like you.
  10. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER You hit Cupertino, Mountain View is pretty well toast. I guess depending on the yield.
  11. Re: Musings on Random Musings Come back well.
  12. Re: The Distinctive, The Special, The Cool Lots of dice thundering across the table.
  13. Re: City of Heroes/Villains Mission ARCs It's the latest issue. It's pretty cool.
  14. Re: City of Heroes/Villains Mission ARCs I don't think so. I finally cleared an evening up and was going to go thru some arcs.
  15. Re: City of Heroes/Villains Mission ARCs
  16. Re: City of Heroes/Villains Mission ARCs No arc is server specific.
  17. Re: City of Heroes/Villains Mission ARCs
  18. Re: City of Heroes/Villains Mission ARCs I have no idea of my arc id's, but you can find me under @Lemming, a couple arcs "There's only one Prescription" and "Clockwork Orange" Feedback appreciated as well.
  19. Re: closed beta applications bastiches.
  20. Re: Musings on Random Musings When logic and proportion Have fallen sloppy dead And the White Knight is talking backwards And the Red Queen's "off with her head!" Remember what the doormouse said; Feed your head.
  21. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Well, sweden hasn't been invaded much, now has it?
  22. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I'm in fairy rings and tower beds "Don't report this," three men said
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