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Everything posted by lemming

  1. Re: Help with naming a spider themed character. Trapdoor Spiderman, lives in a hole and grabs evildoers!
  2. Re: running combat with the speed chart I usually write the speed chart down on the mat. A smart player will figure out the speed of their opponent anyway and this way allows people to plan ahead. The GM can use what we called a time dilater (a 4 sided die) pointed at the characters phase it is and call them off as they come to them. So, players do play quite a role on how fast a combat will run. The GM needs to get people moving and the only slow down should be roleplaying and quips.
  3. Re: Brainstorming: What would happen if we made contact? I'd prefer Thundar.
  4. Re: Hero Philosophy - SPEED We noted that weird speed effect on movement, but only did stuff about it for heroic games by costing run speed/turn and doubling the cost after 24"/turn. Running inches per phase was (inches per turn)/SPD.
  5. Re: "Neat" Pictures Hmm, my wife crotchets...
  6. Re: The Last Word And glass shards!
  7. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? I have the password to your shell account - Barcelona http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mK_auSmUtmY
  8. Re: City of Heroes/Villains Mission ARCs I did have a problem with my Cowbell arc. Turns out the supplied Statesman bio is to long, so my mission was unplayable. So I changed his bio.
  9. Re: City of Heroes/Villains Mission ARCs Every so often the arc server has a problem. I exit the thingy and try again.
  10. Re: Musings on Random Musings Best wishes Chad.
  11. Re: The Last Word It's made from old stale coffee grounds.
  12. Re: The Last Word Muskrat love?
  13. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread Very cool. My photo of Falafel Drive-In in San Jose is in their rotation.
  14. Re: City of Heroes/Villains Mission ARCs Yea, I double checked mine, they seem to be fine. Since I wasn't running a large map with tons of communication officers...
  15. Re: The cranky thread I think there were TVs hooked up to the stations of the couple places I visited. (I used to do sysadmin for a company that had a bunch of dialysis locations)
  16. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game Well, you can as long as the mission name is unique enough. I've found a few missions that way.
  17. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game
  18. Re: Book or PDF I've seen them in those catalogs that have all sorts of different stuff in them. Kimball may be the name of one.
  19. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Maybe they did and just left a webcam?
  20. Re: Musings on Random Musings I'm surprised when I like a computer store employee, most often, they annoy the heck out of me.
  21. Re: I Just Shoot Marvin In The Face I was on a team where there was an occasional "We needed to question that guy." "You should of said something before I shot him in the face." Why yes, it was a rather dark game...
  22. Re: What would your sidekick be named? kemosabe is "an Apache expression for a horse's rear end.
  23. Re: "Neat" Pictures Nice job bunneh
  24. Re: The Last Word Most things are scornable.
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