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Everything posted by lemming

  1. Re: Musings on Random Musings Double Yay!
  2. Re: Dextracardial The only time this sounds like it would come up is if the character is a vampire. And even then, not that much.
  3. Re: The Greatest American Hero Quite a few of us have memories, and I think Surbrook may have a build on his site. Hmm, didn't find it, but found a previous discussion: here
  4. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? It had some good bits, but yea, it was mostly weak.
  5. Re: The Last Word particle board?
  6. Re: June 2nd Oh, and it's September 1. Not July 14, but Sep 1
  7. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER We've been getting a lot of that. The good ones who adopted from us, contact us first, like we asked them to. The ones that dump them in city parks or take them to the local high kill shelter, I'm not fond of. Thankfully, all our animals are chipped on the way out and we're first on the list to contact.
  8. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Well, it's a bit of PC Speak, but it works.
  9. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER On the terms of adoption and owner. We actually don't like the terms owner, since we expect that any animal we adopt out to have some rights. We put a lifetime commitment to the animal, so we prefer guardian. Pets aren't owned, they're a family member. That's how I feel about it.
  10. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER I think we went from Winter to Summer in one jump here. 95 right now, but storms on the horizon.
  11. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER I think ours started earlier, but we had a pretty rough winter which cuts down on the early litters. Vegas and Phoenix would start earlier though I think they never had a stop this year. This year is going to be rough in that our budgets have been ruthlessly slashed, so we're having to come up with some creative ideas. And it doesn't help that we have about 740 adult cats, most of which need homes as well. And we have an ideal population number of 500. We're only up to 24 kittens so far, but most of those came in one week.
  12. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Huh. I wonder if it's a Seattle wide thing about kittens. Maybe your Spay/Neuter programs are being effective. Las Vegas/Phoenix are currently being overrun by kittens because of people abandoning cats that aren't fixed. Of course it could also be that your kitten season is just hitting. We're starting to see kittens here and while we have an aggressive Spay/Neuter program, it's a pain to get past some of the rural mentality here.
  13. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER It looked like it was going to rain yesterday, but I think it skirted on by. Another kitten. He just got fixed yesterday, so he'll be going with me on an adoption event at the end of the month. Cancer, how are the kitten adoptions going for your group? We've been slow with cats in the areas we've been working in.
  14. Re: Amazons in the CU? You could make it, that the Amazons were immortal once they were inducted into the warrior order. That way, less mucking about with the Atlanteans.
  15. Re: June 2nd Maybe with the missions they'll be doing with the alignment will hint at it.
  16. Re: The Last Word It's a trick. Get an Axe.
  17. Re: Order of the Stick Poor magic cockroach!
  18. Re: The Last Word Sleep for Peace! You can't press the button if your asleep!
  19. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Everybody's a critic.
  20. Re: Hero System Good Idea/Bad Idea...
  21. Re: The Last Word As usual, my work doesn't notice holidays. Though in the case of Memorial day, the night before I'll be driving and probably working until midnight. So I'll be sleeping in most likely.
  22. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game Yea, I'm looking forward to this change. Though I think they won't retroactively go back at this point to change vet rewards, but who knows. I still want the Vet Reward that gives you your contact's phone number right away. And any talk to mission, you can just call the person. Maybe I need to send that in as a suggestion again.
  23. Re: The Last Word I'm working and drinking coffee. It's my "Friday", so lots to get done, but then two days of relax hopefully.
  24. Re: Your PCs might be Underpowered if... He's a MacGuffin
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