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Everything posted by lemming

  1. You know that John Byrne comic with Gladiator fighting the FF? something like that
  2. Photogragrapher recreates Children's Nightmares http://twed.com/12-seriously-disturbing-pictures-of-childrens-nightmares/
  3. I lost about 20 lbs after I had my tonsils out. (Also had my palette shaved, and other sleep apnea surgical items done) On the rant bit, totally understand.
  4. Zion, Bryce, & the Grand Canyon are nearby, so yea.
  5. Yea, St. George is 80 miles to the west of us and 2000 feet lower.
  6. Pretty sure Pariah & I are both in Utah. Positive I'm in Utah, though at the far southern end of the state, I think he's closer to Salt Lake. Though the weather isn't too off compared to historical, slightly warmer if I believe the web sites, but we had a few years in a row where we had a lot of snow dumped on us. However, the water level seems to have been dropping more.
  7. Bazza, that's Atlanta. The west isn't in very good shape. I think where I'm at, the snow pack looks fairly normal, but Lake Powell keeps getting lower so we really need a greater than average snowpack to fill it back up. Not that my town gets it's water from there, but we do seem to get a boost in town income from boaters going there. And yea, it's way too warm for February right now.
  8. I've started doing some volunteer work for National Mill Dog Rescue and went to visit last week. I'll be going thru the volunteer photos remotely, but when I go out I'll get some more images of the beasties.
  9. I thought it might be an emo eel. And I got called out to be frisked once, but they did a bad job completely missing the crochet hook in my vest pocket. (I had forgotten about it after my wife handed it to me while she went off to have her piercings looked at)
  10. Their stuff that they put out before they got a record deal was way more real.
  11. Caught one of my toenails on the edge of a cabinet. Almost completely off, and of course bled when I took it off completely. And I could see why it was loose. I have another nail grown under it...
  12. Thanks Hugh for confirming. Wasn't positive since I just had the FH beta to go by and 2e did turn it to power.
  13. Oh, and Characteristic Drain was 1d6 for 15 points times the point multiplier for the characteristic. ChaDef was 2 points cost for 1 point defense. (min 10 points)
  14. I found Characteristic Defense in the Fantasy Hero Beta, but it was replaced by just "Defense" in the first FH. (As were Transfer, etc...)
  15. I had a fondness for being able to read the whole of usenet in a day
  16. Phoenix mentioned with warm summers? Try blazingly hot. Warm is when your A/C quits and the temp about 5 minutes later.
  17. After my wife's review was less than stellar, she decided that she has been pushing herself for all the wrong reasons. So, she's gone on Short Term Disability with probable long term. Her back pain has been bad for quite some time, and other problems have been coming up. So far, the dreaded C hasn't been back, but always a worry. She has a MRI in a couple weeks to recheck some stuff and we'll be seeing how her back goes with out the stress. (Oh, and in her department, every one of the people in my wife's department, got reamed for one thing or the other. And they're all being set to compete against each other. )
  18. You don't want that one, it's a little short.
  19. It's sad to see an organization that used to be about teamwork taken over by management that pits coworkers against each other.
  20. You missed where I said "The second edition I have is a grayscale" (that and I was annoyed about my missing first editions) I was just putting out the theory that since it had more in common to the top photo, that the bottom photo was the older first edition.
  21. That particular beer isn't one I tend to go for, but it's a good beer. Flavor descriptions on beer and wine is always an odd deal anyway. Sometimes spot on, but often pretencious bs.
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