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Everything posted by lemming

  1. Re: The Last Word Well, there's a big hole in the wall where the TV used to be, so I think we'll be expanding the room a bit and get a nice large flatscreen. Giant Lucite maps of the world are so passe anyway.
  2. Re: The Last Word * shopping for a new TV now*
  3. Re: The Last Word It's only a model.
  4. Re: The Last Word Yea yea yea, you and what death star?
  5. Re: The Last Word *force chokes G-A to drop the cookies*
  6. Re: Brainstorming an alternate Europe I just read a short "What If?", France had not declared war on Prussia in 1871 which was engineered by Bismark. So no Franco-Prussian war, no WWI as Lord Liaden mentions. Possibly closer relations between Britain & Prussia since there is a marriage link. I think Zeppelin would still have developed his ideas, since he was an observer in the balloon corp of the Union during the US Civil War. I think that flight would still be pursued though not as vigorously. I think as LL said, some of the advances may not have happened without WWI or even the time beforehand with heightening tensions. That may work to your advantage though.
  7. Re: Why the dislike for Find Weakness? I wanted to post that, but didn't feel like doing the research that would of confirmed my thoughts. Find Weakness has changed a bit since it's first publication. It's still one of the powers that is very useful, or not very, depending on campaign.
  8. Re: Destroyers Rewrite?? They were a fun group. In some of the early games I was in, Death Commando always had the misfortune of being one shotted by a lucky hit before he got to do much.
  9. Re: The Last Word Stupidity causes work
  10. Re: Musings on Random Musings Well, it could be he got out. Accidents happen, though they are supposed to contact us when the address changes so that we can contact them. Right now, I'm more worried about the two cats roaming the sanctuary right now. We have traps with people checking on them regularly. Just hoping we get the cats before the coyotes do. In related news: Kitten Season floods local shelters Though it's more than just Salt Lake from what I hear from people in Phoenix & Las Vegas. Spay & Neuter folks.
  11. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Went to the Horseshoe Bend Overlook today, it was incredibly windy with it feeling like a sandblaster. I have been combing sand out of my hair since I got back.
  12. Re: Why the dislike for Find Weakness? It's one of those things that can be devastating, or pretty useless in higher powered games. But yes, needs monitoring, like most powers.
  13. Re: Cyberpathy vs. People's Foci I had a multipower with one of my characters that could do what you describe. Mind Control or TK depending on what the GM thought would work better for that particular class. Defenses were either Power Defense, Mental Defense, or actual Defense depending on the target. We just didn't over think it. This was 3rd edition stuff.
  14. Re: Musings on Random Musings I think it's more a perception thing. Most of the views are similar as they have been over the last couple years, but sometimes someone just posts more and it hits other peoples thresholds. Which spikes up the energy for a bit.
  15. Re: Poison's Champions Art Thread Yep. Now about hair #432...
  16. Re: Poison's Champions Art Thread Tip of the nose That bit just bugs me.
  17. Re: Poison's Champions Art Thread I can't say why, but the nose doesn't look right. However, it shows a heck of a lot of promise. (And way better than anything I could do...)
  18. Re: A Thread for Random Musings One of our cats was found in Henderson yesterday. AC called me up, and since we had a transport in Vegas, we picked him up right away. A little skinny and scared last night, but doing well this morning. I try to contact the adopter. Her numbers are all disconnected, but since we did have a change of address, I start looking into things. Every number I find for her, invalid. Email bounced as well. I look at property records. She and her husband bought Property A, in 2003 for $135k. They adopted in 2007. House is foreclosed upon in 2008. They owe 390K. House is sold for $250K. I check the new address. It's owned by someone with the first name and initial that are the same as the husband, but different last name. It had been bought in 2002 by a single guy. He and I'm guessing ex-wife had bought a different house in 1999. She was the only seller in 2002. A lot of spaghetti, but very little leads anywhere. I did find the adopter's work place and facebook page though. Perhaps contacting on Tuesday.
  19. Re: A Thread for Random Musings It's been awhile since the first post had been repeated.
  20. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread Very cool!
  21. Re: The Last Word I don't think the government care at all about the name, just that he wasn't paying attention to the rules of the area. They didn't bother to rename stuff after arresting him.
  22. Re: Dextracardial Iron just isn't that styling.
  23. Re: The Last Word It's on the way from Barstow to Las Vegas in the middle of the desert. I've driven by a few times lately on the way to LA and San Diego. It's a closed down settlement: Zzyzx settlement
  24. Re: 6th Ed Champions Universe And heck, those worried about sweeping changes, I don't see anything really that sweeping more than what went on before.
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