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Everything posted by lemming

  1. Re: A Thread for Random Musings It's annoying when you don't get feedback.
  2. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Caffeine in Coke form, stat!
  3. Re: The Last Word Look out for the moose
  4. Re: The Last Word It's been a long time since I was in the Scandinavian area, though I would be going for other reasons than some nudity.
  5. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Quick, get Marcus some caffiene, stat!
  6. Re: The cranky thread Apparently my manager talked to someone else who said the same thing and they then listened. Conflicted by being relieved, and a little annoyed that I have to have someone back me up.
  7. Re: The cranky thread Got an work email today that pushed me over the edge. Called my new manager, to talk to her about it and why this was a poor course for us to let happen. Got some assurances, and since it was my day off, went to go do some errands. Come back, and my manager apparently ignored the entire conversation according to the emails in my inbox when I got home. There's still a glimmer of hope that this is just a delay, but I'm doubting it.
  8. Re: How much should strength cost? Geez, it's only out of balance if you let it be. There has always been ways of tweaking systems in ways to make out of balance characters.
  9. Re: The Last Word Nice counterpoint to my town's ban on women wearing bikini's at the public pool. It got rescinded soon after it went into effect.
  10. Re: The Last Word No. Just that if you put a head of lettuce in the crisper, you really should use it instead of letting it go soggy. It's a vegetarian fridge mostly except for the tin of cat food.
  11. Re: Jokes Well, there we go. Kick away.
  12. Re: The Last Word Except for a lettuce incident, our fridge has been pretty good since we moved in last year.
  13. Re: Jokes Wait, Squirrel's don't live in the tropics.
  14. Re: 6E, 1st non backwards compatible Hero? I think a 2E edition char should be fine in a 6E world, the GM might have to be flexible on a few things, but no more than any of the other changes.
  15. lemming


    Re: Tasty necro rump
  16. lemming


    Re: I can't believe i fell for it again... And the odd thing is, there's a post of his on the BK thread.
  17. lemming


    Re: Tasty necro rump
  18. Re: 6e Characteristics It's from much earlier. 4th edition Dark Champions had it. Possibly earlier, but unsure on that.
  19. Re: Qwyjibo is up He's mentioned in Monster Island and given stats. (giant Firebreathing radioactive ape) However, his backstory in the book doesn't mention Dr. Moreau at all and sounds more like a creation of the Qualar (sp), but that may be the crisis they mention.
  20. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? "Stonehenge" by Spinal Tap
  21. Re: "Neat" Pictures Good, the spies are in place.
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