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Everything posted by lemming

  1. Re: Lifetime Subscription
  2. Re: The Last Word Friends of mine in Portland said it was brutal. And having been there for similar, yet lesser bouts. yech. At the same time we were having 100+ temps, but then again, we're only at 25% humidity. (should be lower, but it's been relatively humid this year)
  3. Re: Lifetime Subscription I don't think I'd do a lifetime subscription before I get a chance to look at it, but I guess there should be plenty of Beta testers who can make that choice.
  4. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Been watching Burn Notice Season 2. Enjoyable
  5. Re: Real World Books in Fictional Libraries Ran across this list while digging thru boxes; I think it's the list of some books on the shelf in some lord's castle in a FH campaign. It was post apocalyptic with some warhammer influence. This was a list that one character was able to make before being interrupted and I think the other players "helped" with the titles. The Book of Eibon My talks with Cats The Journey of Skolner Karnal Captain Kidd Hamlet Red Storm Rising Berserker Lord of the Rings Fundamentals of Linear Algebra Catcher in the Rye Mirror Maze Bible Slave Girl of Gor Mein Kampf A Feast Unknown
  6. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? We're only taking L. Marcus' word that he speaks it... And I haven't seen an episode of BSG either.
  7. Re: Post-Apocolyptic Disney World But what does zombie Walt think of it?
  8. Re: People with bad breath need not apply You know, the ringworm rule is kinda stupid. It's athlete's foot, easily cured really for most people. I wouldn't send someone with an active case out into space, but they should be able to fix that quick.
  9. Re: Order of the Stick http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/GiantITP/ootscript
  10. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far I remember disads and such for Fantasy Trip, but I do think it was an article that brought them in. I wonder if they were mentioned in the in house magazine. I'll have to find my issues.
  11. Re: Musings on Random Musings Hmm. I've seen the 1 liter version, not the two. Interesting.
  12. Re: The cranky thread When dealing with IT staff, just swallow it down and just explain the problem and what you'd like to have as the result. Feelings do not enter the equation, unless you want more problems.
  13. Re: Any plans for a HERO Players Superteam once game is released?
  14. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far *Imagines Tasha & Archermoo holding up minis and acting like the minis are talking*
  15. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Artificial Man - Kinks
  16. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Another Brick in the Wall - II - Pink Floyd
  17. Re: Champion's Universe or your own Currently not running, but the past campaign was mostly my own with parts stolen with the serial numbers filed off.
  18. Re: "Neat" Pictures Possibly, I was getting Mr. Yuck as well.
  19. Re: Confedrate Comics I recommend it as well. (And there's a great backup feature called Ant Boy)
  20. Re: The cranky thread I've been venting a lot at work. We have someone who thinks we need to rename animals that have been at the sanctuary for 10 years, because their name is the same as another. She can't tell them apart in the data system, even though they have a number and a few other identifiers as well.
  21. Re: The Last Word People tell me the only good pizza in town is mine.
  22. Re: Coming Soon From Hero and Atomic Overmind: Day After Ragnarok, The Hero Edition Sold!
  23. Re: The Last Word I'm making pizza tonight, but fairly thin crust.
  24. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game Actually I think that was mentioned on a forum or announcement, so NDA doesn't apply. That's something that will be nice. Now we can properly shun chars with 133t names.
  25. Re: Hagar the Horrible Thanks LoresLost. less typing for me.
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