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Everything posted by lemming

  1. Re: The Last Word Back from Vegas, Have to go to work tomorrow.
  2. Re: Day After Ragnarok In Store it's a very good book. Well written and worth stealing bits out of even if you don't use the setting. Entertaining even if you don't use any of it in a game even.
  3. Re: Power Discussion: Barrier I feel like designing Hamster Ball Team Alpha now.
  4. Re: Public Domain Super Heroes Copyright office stuff Looks like changes happened Jan 1, 1978
  5. Re: Public Domain Super Heroes I think there was a time before the mouse extended it further that works that were not renewed fell out of copyright. But I'm betting it's few and far between.
  6. Re: Too little knwoeldge is a dangerous thing Skill Enhancers are at the same spot as Edit; List; Sorting; Skill Enhancers above where the skills are listed
  7. Re: The unofficial: I Have 6th edition thread I've been playing around with Hero Designer and when I get a question, reading thru the relevant section. probably will do the real read thru when I get the hard copy.
  8. Re: Musings on Random Musings Heh. I wound up cooking more for my wife when she worked in the industry.
  9. Re: Make Your Own Motivational Poster She becomes a James Bond girl.
  10. Re: The cranky thread So, check in with work yesterday. I really need to get a different job, but need to hold out until after my wife has her parathyroid surgery. It's going to be a rough couple months.
  11. Re: Power Discussion: Barrier I see players destroying economies with Create Barrier: Gold Or at least the gold based ones. I see steel being way more useful.
  12. Re: One Last 6E Preview: The Covers! Well, it's just a suggestion for those who don't like the colors. I'm fine with them.
  13. Re: One Last 6E Preview: The Covers! Come to think of it, our rivals were Blue & Gold. Hmm, custom book protectors in your preferred colors?
  14. Re: The HERO System 6th Edition Shouldn't you be able to change printer properties to print gray scale?
  15. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER RPMiller does make some good sheets, so it's a pretty easy guess.
  16. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Bet's it's a char sheet thingy.
  17. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Of course it is.
  18. Re: Hero Games Flyer for GenCon BTW Fred, So far I'm digging the 6E layouts. The art is blending in well with subject matter.
  19. Re: Reading the blurry handout.... Plus, I'm lazy.
  20. Re: One Last 6E Preview: The Covers! Fondly remembers all the complaints about the dark colors of 5th.
  21. Re: One Last 6E Preview: The Covers! Yep, I was one of a group of people that purchased the 6E pack and got the PDF. Also picked up Book of the Machine, The Day after Ragnarok, Foxbat for President, and War of Worldcraft.
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