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Everything posted by lemming

  1. Re: Musings on Random Musings Sounds like a code phrase like "The Moose barks at midnight."
  2. Re: Hero System Good Idea/Bad Idea... Gello is probably some weird australian thing made of vegemite.
  3. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Green Day --- Basket Case
  4. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Building a fence?
  5. Re: The cranky thread Good Luck WM and hope everything is cleared up to your satisfaction.
  6. Re: Test thread If your posts are less than 50? a moderator needs to approve them.
  7. Re: The cranky thread Hmm, I usually have done data recovery of hard drives. I'd check to make sure the connector, etc... are all clean.
  8. Re: Musings on Random Musings Spoilered if people haven't seen the full message, but I just wanted to highlight one bit. Different situation, but I've been heavily editing my emails lately.
  9. Re: Grandiose Schemes II Visual cues. of course, the whole thing of 1's & 0's maybe problematic.
  10. Re: Grandiose Schemes II Nah. computer screens aren't dead, youtube gets more popular. Probably a villain plot right there.
  11. Re: The cranky thread I've pissed off management at work. Or at least my management. Told them I needed a break from one of the aspects of work and that I was concerned about some proposed changes. The response, I've been stuck with all the work that had been burning me out and targeted for being obstructive and not liking changes. That and my manager contacted IT about a special report I run to show differences. I was told I'm wasting my time on this report since the info I get is found in four other reports. My special report happens to come out of one of the tasks I do anyway and has it nicely consolidated. sigh. I have also been told I can't have a headset for my phone. My neck was giving me a problem again since I've been cradling the phone on my shoulder while looking stuff up. Reason given: I don't have a desk job. Which of course is odd, since I think I spend 80-90% of the time at my desk talking to adopters on the phone. I did get a note from my chiropractor to see if that will get me a headset. First goal is to get thru next two weeks since I have vacation starting on the 15th. Though I'm supposed to have a meeting with my manager and the director. The director is out of the office until next week so I'm hoping to avoid any meeting where I may have to voice my opinion until after the vacation. If I get fired, I don't get paid my vacation time.
  12. Re: The cranky thread Well CC, with your history it's more critical to keep on top of things. WM, sorry about the apparent flu. My wife went thru a week of hell, but as a side effect of being looked at by the doctor, her blood test came back with an apparent problem with her parathyroid. We have a surgery consult in October.
  13. Re: Musings on Random Musings I always edit my directions before sending to the printer. I have started directions from the intersection that I know will begin the straight shot for instance, but usually I bring it up in an editor.
  14. Re: The Evolution of Space Food I may have been suicidal at the time. I just nibbled it.
  15. Re: I killed a PC. Hmm. I think four or five of my superhero PCs have died, a few by accident. And I couldn't tell you how many PCs have died in my games. Mostly by accident. Normally, if it's by accident, it's nice to offer a way for the PC to come back. Especially if it was some stupid death that was caused by dice. One GM of mine brought back my character Nighthawk. He had been killed by a 5d6 KA that rolled all sixes by a different GM. But the one GM had had Nighthawk embroiled in a long plot, and the last bit had been Nighthawk flying down to Rio to check out a lead and he had disappeared except for some blood and feathers in a hotel. (He was similar to X-man's Angel, but a detective sort. Ran the "Fly by Night" Detective Agency) Apparently before this other game, we glossed over it with, there were some Ninjas and some other adventures. We'll get back to it... To summarize: Nighthawk had been kidnapped, and cloned. Clone was the one killed, but there were seven other clones. Wound up going thru some manhunter like stuff, and one of my other characters was in on the rescue of the original. (Much cooler story than the summary shows) The other seven clones are still running about. The brain of the "dead" clone had been saved and then placed in a jar. Went insane, caused other problems.
  16. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER FOSTER FAILURE! I just got that with one of our fosters. A very cute one-eyed kitten. He would of been easily adopted out, but oh well. We did cut off one Foster. She would always keep the most adoptable kitten for herself. And she'd be incredibly annoying during the foster process. This guy is going home tomorrow with a family from California. (This is his intake photo, so doesn't show his full pretty)
  17. Re: The Evolution of Space Food Sure that they're still in production? I bet those are the ones made in the 60s...
  18. Re: The Evolution of Space Food My mom moved in 92. I found some Space Stick in a cupboard. They were exactly the same as I remember them. I think they can outlast a Twinkie.
  19. Re: Order of the Stick Mr. Scruffy calls dibs on the string!
  20. Re: Surely You're Joking, Mr Long. So it's a sheer.
  21. Re: Earth x DC Comics like setting Quite a few alternate histories were developed from the premise in Churchill had been killed. I'll have to see if I can dig them up, I have at least one of them here.
  22. Re: Open Followup to Steve Long's answer about being sleep deprived One of the first DDCs I went to, I stayed up the entire time. I managed a couple catnaps, but had massive amounts of caffeine in my system. During the Con, food and caffeine kept me going. And then drove back to Santa Cruz from Oakland. I had a van full of people, none who could drive stick shift besides myself, so I drove. I swear there was this one point driving over the hill where the cars morphed into dinosaurs. They used hand signals. I didn't tell my passengers this interesting bit at the time, but something I said kept Sam awake and talking to me the rest of the drive. We got back, I dropped people off and I hit my mattress. 18 hours later, I moved again.
  23. Re: The Last Word Oh frickin wee.
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