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Everything posted by lemming

  1. Re: The cranky thread I just went thru that pattern, though I don't think I had a fever at anytime. Then again, I've had that pattern before where I just didn't give my body enough recovery time. (And I wasn't laid out by any of it either) Then again, a coworker tested positive for it a couple weeks ago. One of the hazards with working with the public a lot...
  2. Re: Request for comments: Replacement for Find Weakness I'm not sorry about FW going away either. Generally used a skill based extra damage power to simulate it.
  3. Re: Order of the Stick Don't mess with a guy's cat, that's all I'm going to say.
  4. lemming


    Re: Zeppelins Quick Scan, some interesting discussions and there is math buried within: Lotsa math in a pdf Discussions, Pro/Cons of Hot Air vs. Helium Wiki usually a good stepping stone
  5. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. My wife was mad at me for a week about something I did in a dream. This was while we were still doing a long distance relationship, so I had an alibi.
  6. Re: The Last Word Loons need public transport. Have you seen their feet? Ugly things.
  7. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game What can I say, I decided to stick to one addiction. CoX is only being a small drain on my time now, while if I had picked up CO, I'd have needed to spend every waking minute at it.
  8. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game Double XP weekend starts today and runs thru Sunday, for those still playing CoX.
  9. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? "Breakdown" - Alan Parsons Project
  10. Re: The Last Word Annoying week for electronics. Laptop fan started doing constant rattle. Replaced it this evening, but to replace a fan on a Qosmio x305, you pretty much have to disassemble the entire device. Wife's computer, the power supply started overheating and making bad plastic melting smells. Ordered a new PS after backing her data up. At least she has her netbook to use. And my DSLR has dust in the sensor area that was just too annoying, so off to Nikon it went today. Hopefully not too long to get back.
  11. Re: "Neat" Pictures It's a pretty area. Lots of stuff like that down here.
  12. Re: The Last Word Pet photos and stuff like this
  13. Re: The Last Word Yep. Going to pursue my photography for a bit. Hope for a management change and get back later.
  14. Re: The Last Word Work is doing it's best to get some final annoyances in before my last day.
  15. Re: The Last Word I'm in full scale swearing mode right now.
  16. Re: Escapist reviews CO. Last line:
  17. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? "My Favorite Game" - Cardigans
  18. Re: Disappointment At least you were able to make an EGO roll. I failed.
  19. Re: Disappointment So when the FAQ explained it for you, you chose not to believe it? Do you also think Windex is good for cleaning your contacts? After all, it's made to clean surfaces, who cares if there's a warning that you're not supposed to get it in your eyes...
  20. Re: Disappointment I don't play CO, but it was very clear to me right off the start that CO was being based in the Champions Universe. The Hero System Rules were not going to be used, there was plenty of documentation to show that it was not part of the game. Steve & Darren did not sell the Hero System, they sold the Champions IP which is the setting of the Universe. I note you say it's the same thing. It's not anymore. Sure the first iteration of the rules were released at Champions, but that's in the past. Don't people read FAQs anymore? Will Champions Online use the HERO System from the Champions PnP?
  21. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? "Pink World" - Planet P
  22. Re: The Last Word or a good marmot.
  23. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. "If it could bite you, it would KILL you!" Said about a daddy long legs, but wound up being used as a line for all sorts of things during my photography retreat.
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