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Everything posted by lemming

  1. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER trudge trudge trudge
  2. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER I have my first paying gig as a photographer tonight. Wish me luck.
  3. Re: Postapocalytpic Antarctica (Problems/Questions)? Hyperman is thinking the same as I. I like rotating the world so Antarctica wouldn't be covered in ice and placing other continents at the poles.
  4. Re: The very definition of "Random Video" Of course it is.
  5. Re: And 6e print books start to arrive Squeakula, still waiting on 6e? I will have to say, the slowness on the 6e has been surprising. Everything else I have ever ordered from Hero gets to me fast and Tina has bent over backwards getting stuff to us. I ordered the APG while waiting for 6e, it got to me in a week. 6e still took a couple weeks after that. So, I wouldn't judge what the usual response time will be off of the 6e response.
  6. Re: Somali Pirates Open Up a "Stock Exchange" Nice from the gaming stand point, though for real life, I would think that a base of operations would paint a target.
  7. Re: day of ragnararok pulp? There's plenty of pulp elements to it. You're fighting Ratzi's for instance!
  8. Re: Your Version of FRANKEN-HERO With 6e, I'm changing from -1/3" to -1/5 meters. I still haven't gone in detail thru 6e. I'm going with no figured chars. I'm ok with COM gone.
  9. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Here in southern utah, it's getting colder. We had some snow Saturday, but it went away quick. The moon is incredible at sunset right now, hope to get some better pictures tomorrow which should be full moon.
  10. Re: An interesting alternate to HAP? And the quick & dirty version for html, could make something that made a bunch for a spreadsheet to print Karma example
  11. Re: An interesting alternate to HAP? Interesting. Easy enough to write a quick script to produce your own version...
  12. Re: Villains Campaign Focus is the difficult thing for villain games, since in my experience most players equate villains with anarchy. We did several villain games which did help a bit with burning out some people's non-heroic impulses, but not all. And some people will want to go all psycho with their villains which may make some people uncomfortable. It's one thing to knock over a liquor store, but another to make a sculpture out of the bodies. Probably some boundaries need to be established before the characters are made. At this point, if I was running a villain game, I'd have a group working for a Viper cell. They'd have some freedom to operate, but the GM could always have orders come from above.
  13. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? What's Rhythmbox trying to tell me? Route 66 - Depeche Mode Peter Gunn Theme - Art of Noise Detonation Boulevard - Sisters of Mercy Highway to Hell - AC/DC I'm just missing Car Bomb by Negativland...
  14. Re: "Neat" Pictures I saw an ad with Dan Akroyd for the Crystal Skull vodka which was being sold in Las Vegas at Lee's Liquor.
  15. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER That was two days ago for me. Today is getting a burn permit, depositing checks, picking up kitty litter, and researching business license. Exciting...
  16. Re: "Neat" Pictures Which led me to this page of macro bugs
  17. Re: "Neat" Pictures A friend posted this link on facebook: Cats Eyes
  18. Re: Celebrity "Pulp" Death Match! Just as an aside: Spider did get some comics treatments: Spider I think I had the first Eclipse issue, but that was when I was starting to drop comics, so no followup.
  19. Re: 6th Edition Character Sheet Looks nice. I'd drop the default movement rates since the actual can be filled in anyway.
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