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Everything posted by lemming

  1. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. "I'd trade cat butt gum for that!"
  2. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Hadn't heard of that antibiotic, may be fairly new, which ups the cost. Not sure if I can add much more, sometimes trial & error is the only way, but if you talk to your vet about your frustration, they may be able to at least give the reasons why.
  3. Re: Best, Worst and Strangest Police Cars However, that could go down most of the streets in athens as opposed to anything full sized. They're pretty roomy on the inside, I'd be cramped, but I know someone 6'2" who drives one.
  4. Re: The Last Word Yea, sometimes that can be annoying if you're trying to use it at the time.
  5. Re: The Last Word Cats do love threads and other dangly items.
  6. Re: Blocking and relative strengths In the world of comic book physics, of course. In the terms of something slightly more realistic, the block's special effect would involve redirecting the target instead of the punch. Another person with MA experience here, but blocks are hardly ever static anyway. There's more than just an arm or whatever blocking the attacking appendage, etc... There's a lot of complex actions going into a series of attacks and defenses that are pretty much a larger pattern. You're trying for realism in something that has to boil a complex set of maneuvers down to a couple die rolls. Not to mention, comic book physics...
  7. Re: The Last Word What thread?
  8. Re: Cars as weapons in 6E Pretty much the same as it's been for the previous five editions.
  9. Re: What labs are in your wallet? One base we had, The Protectors Mansion had numerous labs and we also had several NPC agents with skills to fill in if the PC with skill wasn't around. And since the team was quite the mix of science and magic, the labs reflected it. The history lab was in the library of course.
  10. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Disclaimer: I am not a vet and there's not enough info. Is the discharge discolored? If it's not greenish, probably means it's not an infection that antibiotics would help with. And if it's viral, then they wouldn't either. How's his appetite? Just for curiosity, which antibiotic? At the sanctuary, they often nebulize cats, which is using cold steam for the cat to breathe in while in a carrier. I wouldn't recommend it for you, just because of expense. We've used a humidifier, a towel over it and a carrier with the cat in it. (Medium sized crate, you want to let the cat have plenty of room) Failing that, running a very hot shower with the cat in the bathroom. But this just helps a bit with symptoms. My Katrina cat has chronic rhinitis (sp) which basically means his nasal passage is irritated and he blows snot everywhere. Clorox wipes actually work well on cleaning the dried stuff off the walls without removing the paint. If he blows green snot, he goes on antibiotics. Doxi which works for him. He's allergic to Clavamox. And where I worked, we gets meds for cost, so it can skew my cost expectations.
  11. Re: Army Again Turns to Depleted Uranium for New Weaponry Bats are great pest eradicators.
  12. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Been out of work for six weeks now. Everyone at the ex-work got a weeks pay as a bonus and I still didn't regret my decision at all. And I've made some money with photography already that I'm just throwing right back into it, but I've been happier now than I have been for near two years.
  13. Re: Army Again Turns to Depleted Uranium for New Weaponry The Lasers Mounted on Puppy program has been having some technical problems.
  14. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER This is what it was like a few days ago:
  15. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Wet and slushy here today
  16. Re: Allowable Martial arts Stopping nitpicking is completely group based. There's no hard rule for what's going to cause conniptions.
  17. lemming


    Re: Zeppelins Green Diary Some interesting concepts.
  18. Re: The cranky thread My condolences Tribal
  19. Re: The Last Word Well, body of Christ. You don't want to waste any.
  20. Re: Order of the Stick "What an interesting sentiment..." "Be Quiet!"
  21. Re: Allowable Martial arts A Martial Art for a game is basically something that has a good description and not just a pile of combat efficiency special effects. Does it play well and can you have fun with it? Unless your play group wants a hyper realistic Martial Arts game, then I'd just go with what's fun.
  22. Re: Dear Japan, Well, I blame the steroid use depicted. Brenda?
  23. Re: The cranky thread I'm sorry CC. Nefertiti was a well loved cat.
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