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Everything posted by lemming

  1. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game
  2. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game Removes FoW of the map you're on. Nice for clearing city maps, but I don't in missions except for a couple such as the Lady Jane mission so I know which path to take to the chest. Best use of lockpicking in that mission.
  3. Re: The Last Word -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . / .. ... / --. --- --- -.. / ..-. --- .-. / --- -. . / -.- . -.-- / .-- --- .-. -.- --..-- / -... ..- - / ... .. -. -.-. . / .-- . / .... .- ...- . / -.- . -.-- -... --- .- .-. -.. ... .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- I would rather stick to ascii
  4. Re: The cranky thread Gah. My motivation is totally lacking lately. I think I need to go do something to kick start it again.
  5. Re: The Last Word Sorry for the excessively snarky tone Bazza, I got a bunch of stuff elsewhere that sent me over the edge for the afternoon.
  6. Re: Single Most Powerful Super Hero EVER!!! Thinking Plastic Man it doesn't take further to go to Impossible Man, Bat Mite, and Mr. Myxzptlk
  7. Re: Anticryptography: The Next Frontier in Computer Science One of my first computer jobs was taking data from an old tape spool and translating it to a different format for a different database. At least I knew the origin of the data, but I remember I had to swap binary data around to make it readable
  8. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Very odd. I can see why he might be on a board since he was in on the opening up what became the Internet. Apple being based in California probably wouldn't mind being seen as a more Green company. As long as Tipper doesn't get any say on Itunes.
  9. Re: "Neat" Pictures The one that Marcus guessed as Vegas, yes. Not a bad picture of Caesar's. Specifically the end of their mall area.
  10. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game Nice to see some activity, so far I've got Five heroes and Three villains up to level 50 out of the 55 characters I've currently have (one of which is a place holder for when Going Rogue comes out) I also want to figure out a good Demon mastermind char, but haven't thought up the concept quite yet. If people want to Coalition to get access to teleporters, Blue on Justice, Infinity & Virtue, Red on Guardian and if I'm on if someone needs help with something, I have something on every server. My high levels are Blue Champion, Justice & Infinity, Red on Guardian. Virtue & Freedom have some higher heroes, and fairly high villain on Justice. On everyone is at least 16 if not in the 20s. I put together a list of all the day jobs, both Hero & Villain at Day Jobs Very simple descriptor of where the locations are.
  11. Re: First Contact Could Be Tomorrow! Chronomanipulation with Resurrection. You regen back to life, but at an earlier save point.
  12. Re: Single Most Powerful Super Hero EVER!!! Based on what I read on Chemical King from here : http://www.majorspoilers.com/archives/3158.htm I'd say he's got a pretty annoying power to be faced with, but he's got some hefty limits.
  13. Re: First Contact Could Be Tomorrow! You can play around with: Impact Effects to see what happens. Though it looks like the asteroid needs to be a bit bigger before causing problems other than right where it hit.
  14. Re: Musings on Random Musings That's what I use for data tags. much easier sorting
  15. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Working in the Coalmine - Devo
  16. Re: battle Wear vs. Town Wear My games and the ones I wound up playing in long term we never had "the GM will screw you over if you show weakness" problem so this rarely came up. Most turning over weapons was done more at certain establishments or courts. You don't go fully armed into the king's presence, that sort of thing, but the fact is most of the time there was plenty of magic going around, taking away someone's shiny piece of metal seemed silly.
  17. Re: Musings on Random Musings Day Mirror-Image Happy to you as well! Though I prefer the D/M/Y version as well. But that gives us two days to celebrate!
  18. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Good Times Roll - Cars
  19. Re: Rolemaster Magic Conversions? I'm pretty sure that didn't matter much. I think the Shadow World supplements had something, but I recall it being very sketchy. I had a basic conversion worked out with active points and various lists, but it was more by feel than method.
  20. Re: The Last Word I thought those books showed that the way to success was to write a how-to book
  21. Re: Character: Paksenarrion Dorthansdotter (SPOILERS!!!) I haven't gone thru the Gird and Larp books yet. I got sidetracked by the Vatta war and the Serrano series. Either which would make decent sci-fi settings.
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