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Everything posted by lemming

  1. Re: The Last Word They know. Explains all the liquor stores just over the borders. (Even though it's a $1000 fine/bottle if caught)
  2. Re: Does your campaign world have a S.H.I.E.L.D.? I used the organization that Sam Bell did. S.W.O.R.D. (Special Weapons Ordnance Research & Development) It made SAT & Primus look left wing.
  3. Re: The Non Sequitor Thread That's an odd shade of blue.
  4. Re: damage negation v. damage reduction Damage is done in this order: Damage Negation reduces number of dice rolled Defenses subtract from the roll Damage Reduction reduces damage taken So if Fire Blaster with a 12d6 Blast comes up to Agent X who has these defenses 20 ED 2 levels of Damage Negation (fire) 50% Damage reduction Fire Blaster first subtracts 2 dice from his roll, leaving 10d6 FB rolls 10d6 with 35 Stun, and 10 Body Agent X subtracts 20 from the totals, so no body taken, and 15 stun Agent X then subtracts 8 more stun for the Damage reduction. Agent X takes 7 stun
  5. Re: The cranky thread Your brain just doesn't want you to go thru that pain again. Perfectly understandable, not pathetic. Getting around some of our wiring is the most difficult thing to do.
  6. Re: Physical might: Strongest characters in comics and other media, and benchmarks Your fine is 12 cat girls.
  7. Re: Silly question 2: Must be early in the morning, I found this entire exchange funny. But yes, this thread doesn't belong.
  8. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. A friend of mine buying diapers: "I like this brand better because it's easier to cut a hole for her tail". This lady nearby looked up abruptly, turned toward us and then made a hasty retreat in the other direction! (Friend had an incontinent cat that wore diapers)
  9. Re: My Heroes Have Always Been GIANTS! (Long) Just a image I ran across today
  10. Re: "Rolling a Critical" I had a fairly complicated critical hit system that rewarded good rolls with extra damage classes. Started with making your roll by 1/2, round down. You get 3 extra DC. For everyone past that, you get another DC. So for a 14- to hit roll 7: +3 DC 6: +4 DC 5: +3 DC 4: +2 DC 3: +1 DC There were magic weapons that could add to either the +DC on a crit, or add to the crit roll. (So a +2 to the crit roll, on a 14-, you'd start critting at 9-) 3 was an auto hit, 18 an auto miss
  11. Re: Physical might: Strongest characters in comics and other media, and benchmarks Iron Man could channel energy for brief periods of time to get him into their range, but normally he was weaker. I'm with Rex, maybe easier to break down by company. And yes, Vladius seemed at least to be the toughest (and certainly pretty dang strong). Not sure I saw anyone else tow a few planets around on a chain other than superboy...
  12. Re: The Last Word Elements all over the place. Even in Utah
  13. Re: Champions Sneak Peek #3: Just For Fun There may be a market for iBooth in Millennium City.
  14. Re: the meter and the hex (stretching) Hexes are what ever you make them. Instead of everything being defined by Game Inches (which were 2 meters), things are defined by meters. So, no cost reductions, just a difference in unit of measurement. No longer will we have Inches x 2.54/200 = Inches
  15. Re: "Neat" Pictures Naturally, my cats want this
  16. Re: What do you really think of Champions Online? *cough* I think you missed, but thanks for the rep.
  17. Re: The Non Sequitor Thread What is chewing on my skull?
  18. Re: What do you really think of Champions Online?
  19. Re: The cranky thread I agree with you there. blah blek ack
  20. Re: Wouldnt want to meet that guy. I had a character with Ultra Violent Vision.
  21. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Rainbow Connection - Kermit the Frog Iron Man - Cardigans Heartless - Heart I was Wrong - Sisters of Mercy I walked with a Zombie - Roky Erickson and the Aliens
  22. Re: Free fall teleport Well, one method I've used in the past, teleport your distance near the end of a segment just before your next segment usually at an upward angle. Then on your phase, teleport to a safe place you can see and you're not going very fast at that point. However, most of the time, it doesn't come up. (I'm thinking 1/2 dozen times while playing since '81)
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