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Everything posted by lemming

  1. Re: New books for 6th Edition Check out the Planned Release Schedule over in Company Questions: 2010 Planned Releases And there's a 2011 one as well : 2011 Planned releases which includes Star Hero
  2. Re: The Last Word Think Far Side made the reference as well. Weasel on a stick?
  3. Re: The Last Word When they used to make the lemonade with a pogo stick perhaps.
  4. Re: Musings on Random Musings See, religion is pretty complicated.
  5. Re: The Last Word For something totally different, Hot Dog on a Stick has offered veggie dogs for some time now.
  6. Re: Musings on Random Musings Why? The Musing thread is still going.
  7. Re: The Last Word You're visiting Rhode Island?
  8. Re: The Non Sequitor Thread My Tea Bag broke.
  9. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER I have picked up the required tribute for Valentine's. Thankfully, my wife only occasionally expects something for the day, and she makes clear on the year thereof.
  10. Re: Jokes Fallout boy is emo? I thought they were just annoying.
  11. Re: A Thread for Random Musings What a weird week.
  12. Re: "Neat" Pictures Asia (Japan I'm thinking). I think Susano posted it earlier, but it may have been something similar.
  13. Re: Physical might: Strongest characters in comics and other media, and benchmarks
  14. Re: Physical might: Strongest characters in comics and other media, and benchmarks Nightgirl, as long as it was dark
  15. Re: The cranky thread Yikes. Been there, though with mine it was "And you survived?"
  16. Re: The Last Word Just store it behind the moon, so it should be pretty frozen
  17. Re: damage negation v. damage reduction For NPC's I've done the conceptual Damage Reduction by multiplying STUN, CON, BODY, and REC, but that's just to eliminate a step. I think Damage reduction is a much cleaner way to write it.
  18. Re: 6E Characteristics Maximum? That and going first seems to be of a higher value in Steve Long's view. I'd have to go thru characters to run numbers, but I think the attack/defense ratio is higher in his games as it was in my player group.
  19. Re: The Last Word I've looked into a bit of the history. Apparently, it's allright for others and it's perfectly OK to profit off it. It's a dialed down version of when the LDS leadership was perfecting willing to have non-mormon wagon trains massacred and blame it on the indians.
  20. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread I had talked to the owner of Rocking V about hanging some of my photos at his gallery when he reopened for the season. He responded well and wanted me to send him a link to some of my online stuff when I was more ready. Couple nights ago, I sent him a link to my blog which has a few of my photos I consider good for print, but as an after thought gave him a link to my flickr set. The next morning, he replied to my email and pointed out a dozen photos from my flickr area that he'd like me to bring by. He went thru 1600 photos and made some very good observations on more than just the dozen. No guarantee that I'll get any in, still have to get the printing, matting and framing done, but I've found this to be pretty gratifying. This is one of the pictures, though to me, it gives me a sense of vertigo.
  21. Re: The Last Word Well, the LDS was the major source of funds to build up Las Vegas.
  22. Re: Champions Online - Cue Dead Parrot Sketch!
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