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Everything posted by lemming

  1. Re: The cranky thread Vent away. My mother-in-law had a bunch of different cancers, they stopped looking for more after they found the first four. (liver, bone, and blanking on the others). She was given six months, she went 22.
  2. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Our cat with little brain is the one I brought back from Katrina. I've seen one of the other cats do a facepalm after he does something particularly dumb. (She tried passing it off as cleaning herself, natch)
  3. Re: Top 10 Insupportable Premises in Comic Book Universes Hmm. I didn't make it clear. Friend from college was my friend from college.
  4. Re: Top 10 Insupportable Premises in Comic Book Universes I had this conversation: Other guy: "Where are you from?" Me: "California." Other guy: "Oh, do you know Me: Then again, I've also run into people I know when I was in a different country.
  5. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore My wife has a few cheesecake recipes that call for Chocolate wafer cookie crust. Being where we are, Oreos are the closest thing, once you scrape off the creme.
  6. Re: "Neat" Pictures Tried. Someone else needs to.
  7. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore So anyone try the new thing from KFC, the Double Down?
  8. Re: Top 10 Insupportable Premises in Comic Book Universes I could see Vegas casino security having high tech, though I think they'd let the criminal get away and have the means to track them. Don't want to damage their own stuff.
  9. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Will probably start accelerating to that goal then.
  10. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. For some reason I'm reminded of taking my co-worker to Falafel Drive-In. (Years ago when I was still a carnivore) Co-worker: "Do they have vegetarian falafels?" Me: "They use vegetable oil to fry them, so yes." Co-worker: "but what about the falafels themselves?" :facepalm:
  11. Re: Epic level Champions I've run high powered as well. I think Sam Bell did it best. He managed to run a Galactic game with characters ranging from 450-1200 points. A lot of different schticks and motivations. Everyone had three different characters, low, medium, high powered and depending on the session, there would be chars from the different point scales.
  12. Re: Brownie Points I think for 6E version, I'd tie them into the Resource Point system.
  13. Re: Brownie Points Here's an old text file of mine that was a modified version for a WWII supers game I did: Pretty sure it wasn't a complete system and needed a whack from the GM occasionally. Service roll was for acquiring special equipment, promotions, getting info via the service. I'm pretty sure I modified it using Robot Warriors version as a base. Brownie points Important Enemy captured +2 Major Objective completed +2 Capture of Enemy prisoner +1 Good Review by Team Leader +1 Minor objective completed +1 Overcame unexpected resistance +1 Secret Info found +1 Secret Mission kept secret +1 Unauthorized action that worked +1 Failure of Minor Objective 0 Property Damage -1 to -3 Secret Info in enemy hands -1 Death of Team members -2 Failure of Main Objective -2 Team members captured -2 Damaged Famous/Important Property -3 Death of civilians -3 Unauthorized actions that failed -3 Death of many civilians -4 Death of prominent civilians -5 Team Leader +1/x2, Important mission +1/x2 +1 positive, x2 if negative Service roll = 8- plus Brownie point Mod + 1/2 Rank rounded down Service Roll Mod Brownies Mod -4 -3 -2 -2 -1 -1 0 0 1 1 2 2 4 3 8 4 Rank 1 Private 2 Private 1st Class 3 Corporal 4 Sergeant 5 Sergeant-Major 6 2nd Lieutenant 7 Lieutenant 8 Captain 9 Major 10 Lt. Colonel 11 General +1 Per Star For promotion roll every Rankth mission. Service roll - Current Rank (Don't add 1/2 rank) Additional -3 if Jumping from NCO to Officer Medals: Meritorious Service: ? If Brownies awarded > 6 Conspicuous Bravery: ? Remarkable Action Purple Heart: If 1/4 Body Taken Qualification Badges: Make appropriate skill roll For Each Badge: +1 Brownie To get Medal: 3- + Team Leader BPM + Rank of Nominating Officer - Char BPM (if negative) - 1/2 Opposing Officer
  14. Re: "Neat" Pictures It's a safe link guys. Figured I was already deep in the negatives, what harm could it do?
  15. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread Best of luck!
  16. Re: Beating Dr. Destroyer...how do (or did) you do it? I think Artful Dodger from the old Protectors game could of taken Dr. D. (15 SPD, forget what the horrific DEX was) But he did come from a campaign that was high powered. Several from our team could of taken Dr. D. However, I think for campaign purposes, if Dr. D is supposed to be stoppable by a team, but it's to be a hard fight, most GMs would have to tweak him to the right parameters.
  17. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Procrastination on building the shed has been foiled after one year, one week.
  18. Re: The Last Word Yes, but it's usually something they didn't have to do much for. At least in my limited experience.
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