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Everything posted by lemming

  1. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER I keep forgetting about that... Don't think I have any of that glass left. (and hope what got stuck in my foot was completely removed by now)
  2. Re: "Neat" Pictures It's possible I could stop it down a bit, but that tends to make the photo even smaller, though I'm still playing with the options. Maybe there's a way to avoid that. That photo is 1/30 second, so upping the exposure time is certainly doable. Most macro work at this level winds up with a tiny depth of field, so not sure if I'll be able to increase it much. I have a lens that has a macro setting and when in that mode, even with my F-stop at 32, I have a depth of field around an inch. For coupling : http://www.camerafilters.com has reversing and adapter rings. I used a 52-67 adapter, and then a 67mm reversing ring. I'm just starting to play with this and I do have a telephoto with a 52mm ring, so I may be able to couple it with the fixed 52mm. That may help with the loss of frame.
  3. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? There are some very good episodes in the later seasons. I found them all enjoyable and enough from each season to make them all worthwhile. Plus I found Glory to be one of the more fun villains. (season 5)
  4. lemming

    ET Stay Home

    Re: ET Stay Home They'll be here to pick up Lady Gaga. "We received your distress signals, but why were you wearing the Blatha ritual garb?"
  5. Re: Beating Dr. Destroyer...how do (or did) you do it? NND plus penetrating, not legal.
  6. Re: Western Hero: Jonah Hex movie There have been plenty of prostheses that are similar. The actor's eye would be covered though.
  7. Re: "Neat" Pictures Aurora Borealis plus Iceland
  8. lemming

    Should I?

    Re: Should I? Do it!
  9. Re: International Everything is a Spaceship Day
  10. Re: Martin Q Blank (from "Grosse Point Blank") There's also ""I killed the president of Paraguay with a fork." Maybe a Killing Strike Martial Maneuver with handy object.
  11. Re: "Neat" Pictures Click on the photo to see the full scale, but this gives the idea. This is part of a dime. I coupled a Canon 50mm lens reversed on the front of a Nikon 18-135mm lens. A little more macro than I actually wanted, but I can definitely put this into use for some stuff. Need to mess with the focus a bit more as well since the depth of field is minuscule.
  12. Re: The Last Word Always have to have some conditions.
  13. Re: The Last Word Need to see a good dermatologist for that.
  14. Re: Make Your Own Motivational Poster Didn't show for me either until I went to the site: Blog post is here: http://icanhascheezburger.com/2010/04/25/funny-pictures-kraken/
  15. Re: "Neat" Pictures Our weather is being wonky as well. May snow today. We had 50-75 MPH winds yesterday. It was nearly 80 F last week. It's weird.
  16. Re: Epic level Champions I never updated those guys for 5th, may as well go straight to 6
  17. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game From the City of Villain's arc from Dean MacArthur "So okay, this clone of yours, what did she look like?" Your only available response: "..." ----- You do get some multiple paths on some of the missions which is kinda neat
  18. Re: The Last Word i think the woolly mammoths will be replaced by sheep. Much easier to find in Oz I hear.
  19. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game
  20. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game Issue 17 is live today. Pretty graphics, if your graphics card can handle it though I notice some of the effects work well even with my older card. And a couple new story arcs for lvl 20-30 which I found entertaining. And if you have the Going Rogue pre-order, dual pistols and demon summoning are live. Animated tails, up to seven open missions, and some enhancements to the Auction house and the Architect are there as well. Servers not quite up, probably up in the next couple hours.
  21. Re: Nazi's with Jet Packs
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