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Everything posted by lemming

  1. Re: SPEED Beyond 12 Generally, we steered players that took too long per phase away from high speed characters. Cut down on spotlight hogging at least on a per phase deal, but really we did it for quicker combats. If they're going to be a spotlight hog, didn't matter what the speed was as far as I could tell. I can't do it anymore since I haven't played the char in (HF!) 20+ years, but my speed 11 char who could land 7-8 moveby hits per phase at 16d6 or 24d6. Yes, I was rolling dice constantly and keeping track what path he was taking next phase, but not taking any more time than the SPD 7 martial artist did.
  2. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER +ship spanker only has a few NSFW using google image search, with safe search off
  3. Re: So I snagged San Angelo on the very cheap PARTS is parts.
  4. Re: SPEED Beyond 12 Can't remember what's listed in the APG, but we used to allow it. (I think three PCs had it out of several hundred across about 30 players all together). You got an extra phase on the (SPD-12) segments at 1/2 your dex. (If you were over 24 speed, 1/3 dex, but I think that was two villains) If you attacked on a segment where you were getting a second action, you couldn't abort before it.
  5. Re: Musings on Random Musings That's a good band name there. And just to add: Long Range Tactical Evisceration
  6. Re: Musings on Random Musings We have thanked her and the vet staff a lot. Today, she spent the day bouncing around the house in her old style, stole a toy mouse from our big bully cat, and then played with it. He came over to her, she bopped him one and he backed off. She's not quite seven pounds, he's fourteen, but she has the tortitude back up and running. She's also back to stealing the butter, but we're letting her get away with it. Still have to keep an eye on her, but so far, so good.
  7. Re: The Non Sequitor Thread Was filled with sympathy. Now I wish that I had soft-soap.
  8. Re: Musings on Random Musings I think Old Man explained the origin earlier, but it may have been three or four years ago. Possibly when one of these discussions popped up.
  9. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Poor James, he didn't realize he's now to be torn apart by angry tribbles.
  10. Re: A Thread for Random Musings After a concerned couple weeks and a very scary couple days, our Elizabeth cat is doing better. Elizabeth While we were on vacation, our cat sitter thought she was acting odd and took her to our vet who found symptoms of renal failure. She seemed to be doing better, but some of the symptoms were not the same that we've seen with other renal cases. When we got home, we continued with fluids, but on Wednesday when I woke up, I found her huddled in our luggage, and cool. I picked her up and she screamed and convulsed. I put her down, and she was having a seizure, we called the emergency number, and rushed her to the clinic. We thought she died a couple times on the drive. When we got her there, Dr. Mike met us and immediately put in a catheter, and got a warming device as well. Blood work showed that her blood sugar had dropped to very low levels, which could of caused the seizure, but the seizure could of caused the low blood sugar. With her under the care at the clinic, we went home and awaited news. That afternoon we had to bring our foster cat up for an x-ray, so we dropped by to see how Elizabeth was doing. She was sitting up in her bed and yelling at everyone and otherwise, acting normal. We took her home later with some meds in case she had another seizure, but no worries. Though one of the other cats decided to have a hairball which instantly woke both my wife and I. Elizabeth slept thru it. We took her back to the clinic for tests the next two days, but nothing odd has been found. After we brought her home last night, she's been racing around like she used to. (Once she took her bandage off that is. She didn't like it) It's very bizarre, but she's alive because of our cat sitter and vets. (And I can't imagine what this would of cost in the real world.) I think my wife and I are completely exhausted by the experience.
  11. Re: Musings on Random Musings Well, when you have someone called Death Tribble calling for action, it may seem a bit extreme. He's really just pointing out that being careful. That being said, it's easy enough to check the title of the thread you're in, it's in the Url, on the subject line, and probably elsewhere. There are other people that occasionally whoops on it, but out of everyone here, you've been messing up the most on the thread. And there are a couple other threads with "guidelines" and for that matter, subject matter restrictions.
  12. Re: Musings on Random Musings Several reasons though I think the most popular is that they got subjected to some clown in Childhood that was more scary than entertaining. So now it's pretty embedded in subconscious. My wife has the phobia, but she's got a good handle on it. What's odd, we think that's why she doesn't like drive-thru's. The clown from Jack in the Box used to be where you ordered.
  13. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Ditto. In a non-"jackie chan" theater way
  14. Re: Help - Criminal Organization Well, Arachnos is used by City of Heroes Something web based may be good.
  15. Re: Musings on Random Musings Just gave out five reps in a row before getting "You have given out enough" warning. All the people on the list were worthy of rep, just didn't feel like pinpointing a particular post.
  16. Re: Alternate Timeline Campaign Hmm. I think that the roots of the conflict in the Balkans would still happen, unless a couple of the key players were removed prior to 1914. Even then, the Balkans still had plenty of nationalism going on (well, pretty much all of Europe) France still wants Alsace and Lorraine back, the forces that unified Germany and Italy, are working on the Balkans, especially with Turkey in a state of weakened power. Though maybe instead of 1914 being the trigger, Turkey, weakened even further by the Alien invasion, loses control of territories earlier. Of course, with the right combo of super powers that doesn't have to happen. The old man of europe turns out to have an ace up the sleeve. Course, in the meantime, we have Japan in the midst of expansion and modernization. They grabbed Formosa and parts of manchuria in 1895. In 1898, Russia pressured china into leasing port arthur and other parts that Japan had claims to, but did not have the strength at the time. In 1904, they did and kicked russia out. Then in 1910, they subjugated Korea. Good chance, that depending on the timing, Russia wouldn't of tried to get the eastern ports in 1898.
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