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Everything posted by lemming

  1. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Move it On Over - George Throrogood
  2. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER of course where I'm at temps run typically 15-110F, but it's dry so not as noticeable. I felt hotter in New Orleans at 75F than here at 95F. It's been dropping more snow the last two years, not sure if I'm too keen on that. More whining from people happens.
  3. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Must not be coastal people. Our house ranged from 20F to 80F most years depending on the season, and usually summer was 60-70F. (And then if you swam in the Pacific, you better have a decent cold tolerance...)
  4. Re: The Last Word And non-broken-in shoes just add to things.
  5. Re: Ctrl+V Pizza I’ve made my pizza dough a little healthier. Pizza dough ingredients: half cup potato starch half cup besan/chickpea flour (OR half cup maize flour; OR half a cup of blended chickpea and maize!) half cup brown rice flour half cup tapioca teaspoon of salt teaspoon of xantham or guar gum (optional, but advisable) tablespoon baking powder tablespoon extra virgin olive oil up to 1 cup of water, or as needed small handful of mixed seeds, ground flax/LSA, nutritional yeast, etc Original post and instructions and photos Method: 1. Sift together flours, salt, gum, and baking powder. Stir or whisk until well combined. 2. Add half a cup of water and all the oil to flour mix. Stir unti combined, then knead, and form into a dough ball, adding more water as necessary. (Note: this won’t be stretchy like wheat dough. It will be more like pastry dough.) Only add as much water as you need. Too much and the crust will be crumbly. 3. Knead through mixed seeds, etc. 4. Very lightly flour pizza stone/tray (rice flour is good for this). Put the ball of dough on your pizza stone/tray. Flatten it gradually, pressing it into round, pizza-base shape, making sure the edges aren’t crumbly, fixing them as you go. Make sure the dough is evenly distributed as you go. Use a rolling pin to make the process faster. (If it’s not, you can patch holes up by taking dough from other areas – I didn’t have to do this, though, as the dough was quite workable). 5. Roll the edges of the pizza base over, so that the edge centimetre is twice the thickness as the rest of the base, pressing firmly. 6. Bake base for 10 minutes in preheated oven at 220degC. Remove from oven and cool a little. While the base is baking and cooling, sort out your sauces and topping. 7. Add sauces and toppings to pizza. Using a pastry brush, brush edges of pizza base with olive oil (or spray it, if you are so inclined to use wacky modern technologies). Bake pizza in 220degC oven for 20-30 minutes, or until pastry and toppings are cooked/browning.
  6. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Don't let her near any self destruct buttons.
  7. Re: Is Defender the new Seeker? The binding did suck. Thankfully I pointed that out to either Bruce or Steve and they gave me a newer version that day that didn't have that problem.
  8. Re: The cranky thread Could be. Most of the teen alcohol/drug problems I saw were from families that didn't actively parent. Or set up contradictory or arbitrary rules. Sadly, the ones that I saw pull out of the self destructive cycles were usually because some other kid went further and completely self destructed. edit: If it was the first time, maybe the hangover helped. And other friends that don't drink may help the cause as well.
  9. Re: Musings on Random Musings I've been lucky in that I haven't seen any fatal accidents, though my last major accident may have been for the other driver. Probably not, but he had suspected broken ribs and was in a lot of pain. At least that's what I heard during the ambulance ride. He had run a red light and t-boned me, if he had hit 2' further down the body into the door, I'd probably be dead, as it was my car was flung across the intersection and I was unconscious for an hour.
  10. Re: "Neat" Pictures If she had still been around today I was going to go see if I could find some in the dollar store. Maybe I still will in case she comes back.
  11. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore perhaps it's a pastry with a non-flaky crust?
  12. Re: Instagib Move Throughs? Oh right, that's in the APG as well. (I missed it in my scan of 5th, but found it after you said it...)
  13. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore The reason I put it in this thread since there has been a lot of food objectionable to some. I happen to like pineapple on my pizza, but people are free to order without. And yes, I have friends with multiple dietary needs. Vegan, wheat, nuts, and dairy are the most common. Though at least one can't have soy.
  14. Re: "Neat" Pictures A bit of a 50s look: Or perhaps while she cleans her foot: She hung out on our porch a couple days, but wasn't around today.
  15. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... Cool. BTW, Happy Feral Cat Day!
  16. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Testing out a new recipe for pizza dough using Teff Flour. Bought by impulse, but will need to do more research next time. No gluten so it's more like a cracker for crust. No stretching it into shape, etc... Covered with the homemade sauce, goat cheese and caramelized onions, it's still tasty, but not as good as the standard crust. May work for my friends who can't eat wheat, though the toppings would have to be switched as well. No cheese, but Daiya makes a mozzarella that actually acts and tastes like the real thing. Probable toppings: Asparagus, Spinach, Pinapple, Olives, Caramelized Onions.
  17. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? "Just like you imagined" - Nine Inch Nails
  18. Re: Order of the Stick Do we know what type of tea?
  19. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... Sounds like it's being taking care of. I was concerned on the feeding side. Very cute. There's a good chance that there maybe a feral mom near the peoples yard and there could be more kittens nearby.
  20. Re: Ctrl+V Just don't feed her too much grain & oats or you'll have some unpleasant after effects.
  21. Re: Musings on Random Musings The question is usually where, not what.
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