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Everything posted by lemming

  1. Re: The cranky thread A bit cranky. Narrowly avoided getting hit by a truck that decided to merge. I honked after slamming on the brakes and got a rude gesture from the passenger. Immediately afterwards I got pulled over. I was a bit surprised we were the ones pulled over, but apparently the cop didn't see the near accident, but when we passed, he noticed my registration tag was missing. No ticket, but I will have to cough up $5 to the DMV the next time I'm near there. I know I put the tag on before my trip in august...
  2. Re: Champions Universe: Character studies If I had the finances, I would pick it up during the cool sale. (if it's available...) My version had a couple tricks, but this was 3e days so mainly just stronger and tougher. (1987 I think...)
  3. Re: Does the 4E Electronic Edition have the Deluxe Edition hardcover's revisions/erra Are you talking about the Electronic Edition that has the copyright of 2001? Think that was the Hero System rule book, not the BBB in any form. I'm also not sure if it was actually released as a product. (It's been 10 years...) There have been two editions since and that was pre-DOJ. 6E is a nice product, and comes in fully supported PDF form as well.
  4. Re: Champions Universe: Character studies Will see if I can check my notes. Most of the CU wasn't used much in our games, but I did flesh out Ogre after one player listed him as a more powerful hunted. And since this was a fairly high powered campaign, the original writeup for Ogre wasn't more powerful. Plus I had to figure why he was hunting since at the time he was pretty dimwitted.
  5. Re: Your favorite SF gear. "Illudium PU-36 Explosive Space Modulator" could come in pretty handy.
  6. Re: Your favorite SF gear. Paranoia Cone Rifles with the Nuke warhead seemed pretty powerful, if a little self destructive.
  7. Re: The Non Sequitor Thread It's like cherry kool-aid!
  8. Re: A Thread for Random Musings The weather is matching my mood.
  9. Re: Wondering about an old supplement It's the first edition of Champions Universe, HG #421, by Monte Cook, et al. from 1992. E-bay is probably a good choice, but there was a recent thread about the BBB suggesting places to find it. edit: Too slow!
  10. Re: "Neat" Pictures Yes, Tina & Jason live out there. There are quite a few hot springs in the area.
  11. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Detonation Boulevard - Sisters of Mercy
  12. Re: "Neat" Pictures That is very cool.
  13. Re: "Neat" Pictures The land there is a bit fragile to have hordes of visitors. 10 people/day can visit the Coyote Buttes area at a time and at this time of year, you can get the permits the day before. Summer time, you have to apply months in advance. Most of the six years was just getting around to doing it. I'm going to try to go early next month if there is a light dusting of snow. Too much, not fun, and if it's wet, the road is impassable.
  14. Re: "Neat" Pictures After nearly six years, finally got the permit to go out to the Wave. Full set at: Wave Set on Flickr
  15. Re: Musings on Random Musings Congrats Chad!
  16. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Grosse Pointe Blank no meetings.
  17. Re: The cranky thread A close friend of ours is going in for a biopsy next week. Which really sucks for her, since she got the call back right after hearing about my wife's results.
  18. Re: The Big Blue Book? Anywhere? Kinda doubt it, but I have seen copies of it at Cons for sale. And I bet you can find it on ebay.
  19. Re: Musings on Random Musings Thanks. I won't be looking too much at data for a bit until after the surgery. From what I've looked at, she's got good odds since it does seem to be early. They'll be taking some lymph node samples while they are in, so we'll know more right before and after Christmas if the surgery happens on the 21st.
  20. Re: The cranky thread I have frequent problems with my knees and occasionally they just do the "PAIN!" because they can. But my knees were screwy from a young age. It usually tells me I need to lose more weight.
  21. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Seventeen years ago my wife's mother called us the day before Thanksgiving to tell us she had cancer. This year, the day before Thanksgiving, my wife had her mammogram redone to find out, the spot needed to be biopsied. We just got the results from the doctor and it's cancer. Still looks to be early, and we'll be consulting with the surgeon next week, with surgery on the 21st.
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