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Everything posted by lemming

  1. Re: Order of the Stick A couple of you nailed it.
  2. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread I'm still on email lists from contracting firms around Portland. I've given up on telling them I'm in Utah and no longer doing tech work. Now I just look at the plunging rates and am glad I'm doing something else. Congrats on status change Cancer, and for landing a job Xavier!
  3. Re: The Last Word Chaosium sells the kit: Diploma and other stuff Though it looks like there are others that can be downloaded: Prop
  4. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Seared tuna is pretty yummy to me, but fully cooked tuna doesn't really appeal to me either.
  5. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore I've had avocado ice cream. It was very yummy. Also had Earl Grey ice cream as well which is still one of my top ranked flavors. Tuna does sound hideous.
  6. Re: The cranky thread Here's the needle that goes into my wife's port. [ATTACH=CONFIG]38272[/ATTACH] Much better than hunting around for her small veins that roll, but the first time she saw that thing, [ATTACH=CONFIG]38273[/ATTACH] And that's the $4500 shot.
  7. Re: to hex or not to hex I think it might be a record. And my favorite non-hex unit of measurement is the standard Lego brick lengthwise.
  8. Re: The cranky thread Caught a cold from hell. Slept the last two days and the weather has been bouncing between rain,snow, and sun. It's gone from low 20s to low 60s.
  9. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Apparently I missed programming.
  10. Re: Musings on Random Musings I was so pissed off at an Ad in Professional Photographer. The ad was to show their SW would "fix" a portrait of someone. Took a pretty girl and erased all her freckles. Reminds me, I need to send an email saying that their ad assured me I will not be buying Portrait Professional. (not that I was thinking of buying it anyway)
  11. Re: The Last Word File me as thinking "Monkees" first. Though if you had a third Hey, you get Fat Albert.
  12. Re: Musings on Random Musings It's possible. I've run into it a few times (out of several thousand). Generally caused by leftover ovarian tissue that is still secreting the hormones. Unfortunately, it requires another surgery. Now there was the case where an adopter of a cat during katrina wound up with kittens. Apparently the Vet hadn't spayed the cat. Did charge us though...
  13. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? 90% certain that was first filmed at Sear's point. Not sure about some of the other roads, but they look Napa like as well.
  14. Re: Project Pterosaur Hence the reason for me putting it into the Pulp and at least treated as fiction. We've got a sysnopsis and characters! You want reality? That's elsewhere.
  15. As long as you drop whatever you think about this going on in RL, this web site has a pretty much written up, ready to go, pulp adventure. Project Pterosaur
  16. Re: The Last Word Don't get hung up on scraps of paper, that's all. Standards are good, but nothing to get too excited about.
  17. Re: The Non Sequitor Thread time to saran wrap the wife
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