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Everything posted by lemming

  1. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game I'd check the CoH FAQ on the subject to be sure, but I think you wind up having most of your characters deactivated. I still play occasionally, but haven't had much time. Barely scratched the surface of incarnates. I checked out Beta as well and it looks nice.
  2. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Texas State Fair Fried Food Awards Fried Bubblegum...
  3. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? I believe Von Braun was one of the people that was sanitized via Operation Paperclip. And it was because he was one of the scientists that the US wanted. added: megaplayboy, hits it on the head.
  4. Re: CON: Over-Nerfed? Pet peeve of mine: Why bother saying Con-Stunned? Do you have characters getting Dex-Stunned?
  5. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. I worked in animal rescue, I can't tell you how many times I was told variants of that joke. Somewhat funny the first time, but repetition and when you've worked with cats that had been set on fire, not funny at all anymore.
  6. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Nearest Ikea to me is four hours, and the one I picked the catalog from is 12 hours. Everytime my wife and I have moved, an Ikea has been put down near where we lived. Though that's really only twice, once in the SF Bay area, and then from Portland. I do wonder where they'll put it if we move from Kanab.
  7. Re: Questions about the Champions 6E core rules book Also, sometimes a FLGS will shrink wrap a book, so all you get to read are the front & back covers.
  8. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER That they are.
  9. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread Ah, Bushmills.
  10. Re: The cranky thread Steroid shot to the knee didn't seem to work. The knee that got the treatment is now about the same as before. We got hit with some unexpected bills with both cars (though if I had planned better, I could of compensated, which pisses me off more). So, no knee stuff until next year when we might be able to afford it, but in the meantime we're going to as close to zero expenses that we can, since the housing taxes are due in November and it's $300 more than last year. Somehow, in a county where I've seen quite a few houses unsold for the last four years, our house is worth more this year than last. And they raised the rates...
  11. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread Couple nights ago, wound up chatting with Jackson Galaxy (My Cat from Hell) at a dinner party with some friends. He really seems to know his stuff. Also pointed him to Oddball shoes in Portland, since he's got size 14 feet and wondered how I found shoes (size 17). He's also got a total crush on one of my favorite cats.
  12. Re: Common superhero types you've never seen in play There were a few in my groups. The mini-bricks were pretty dangerous
  13. Re: THE BOOK OF THE EMPRESS -- What Do *You* Want To See? Wasn't he with Tank Girl? I would assume the Empress doesn't micro-manage. Seems like it would be a bit much for that big of an empire.
  14. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread Really? Which one?
  15. Re: "Neat" Pictures Sith is the new Lisp? (I like the snow white the best out of all of them)
  16. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread People like it, so that's why it's made. It's still crap! Of course, there's always this counterpoint: http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/connoisseur.png
  17. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread Merlot is fine. White Zin is the devil though.
  18. Re: This is sort of morbid curiosity but... I looked at it years back, and while it was interesting, I prefer Champions over it.
  19. Re: Creepy Pics. According to this, the ad is a fake anyway: http://rjwhite.tumblr.com/post/472668874/fact-checking very well done fake ad.
  20. Re: Common superhero types you've never seen in play Almost. My first character was a winged martial artist. While I haven't, I've seen plenty of stretchy chars. The mention of the darkness with chars able to see in it. I had a character with invisibility to IR, while another character had darkness to everything except IR. Made a nice combo. (And no, we didn't set it up before hand)
  21. Re: Creepy Pics. I guess I keyed off the laboratory tests mentioned. (Though one has to wonder about those labs...)
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