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Everything posted by lemming

  1. Re: Creepy Pics. I've only dealt with rattlers and they're not so bad. Not being trained or anything, I just scooped up the couple I ever had into a bucket using a squeegee with a 6' handle. And only because I needed to get the snakes out of there before all the cats got them.
  2. Re: "Neat" Pictures Animals are very resilient that way. Smokey Too is blind & incontinent. And is doing great. He's one of the cats my wife reads to.
  3. Re: 11 Victoria's Secret models hit the catwalk as superheroines Like PG said, she had an eating disorder. Easy enough to find some discussions about it via google from Fiona Apple herself.
  4. Re: Musings on Random Musings Maybe you don't want to say that after discussing tipping hats.
  5. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore I'd gone to Saylar's twice. Once with coworkers and it was ok, but not great. Second time with my wife, the one who went to culinary school (just graduated), they brought her steak and you could smell it rotting. It had been frozen/thawed/frozen at least one cycle. We never went there again.
  6. Re: Musings on Random Musings Learning is always a worthwhile prospect. And I agree with Hermit, your wife sounds amazing. Sounds like the two of you make a great team.
  7. Re: How can I judge if an encounter is balanced? As mentioned balance is pretty variable. Then when you have dice and the sheer randomness of players, it's much more difficult. Many of a time have I setup a combat that I thought would of been balanced, but something winds up making it a cakewalk for one side or the other. Usually a lucky combination of rolls or a player doing something brilliant/stupid. It pays to be flexible with the outcomes.
  8. Re: The Last Word Better than Dutch oven.
  9. Re: Regenerating teeth One of the life supports against disease should cover tooth decay. Regen, totally up to the player IMO.
  10. Re: The cranky thread Just plain ick. Went thru similar in 2004-5 and wound up going thru bankruptcy. Was in much better financial condition until the latest medical stuff, but at least we're living with no payments plans looming over us. (Well, just the medical stuff to pay off over five years...)
  11. Re: Bizarre Crimes for Any Genre Ha!
  12. Re: "Neat" Pictures I grew up in a house that my grandfather had added on to. He got most of his windows & doors from junkyards, so we had doors going from 5'6" to 6'8". Every year, I'd have a new door to duck thru. Though my own bedroom door got me when I spent the summer on navy & coast guard ships. Got home thinking no more ducking thru hatches and brained by my 6'4" bedroom door. Apparently I had grown 2" in 2 months.
  13. Re: Somebody needs to write this villain up now! Lots of extra limbs, guns, and clinging with the suction cup boots. -5 Disad Horrific Color Scheme
  14. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER I knew they got popular in the US, but according to the wiki, they're actually thought to have been derived from a japanese tradition that wound up becoming popular with US chinese because of Japanese internment during WWII.
  15. Re: The cranky thread A quote I found: http://www.cnn.com/2011/11/10/opinion/queen-penn-state-ethics/index.html?eref=rss_topstories
  16. Re: The Last Word Actually, you can find a thread about poaching and some of the counter forces somewhere around here. Poachers get shot all the time, it's just that they outnumber the forces protecting the wildlife.
  17. Re: The cranky thread I would of preferred if it hadn't.
  18. Re: The cranky thread Well, looks like we went TMI. Yep, constipation and the most annoying part was that it was pressing against my bladder, so for about eight hours, I felt like I needed to pee. I finally got some releif around 3am last night and I did look up the average length of a large intestine. I also weigh 10 pounds less today than I did yesterday.
  19. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Interesting cover: (And it's not Bjork from Iceland) I still like the original a bit more:
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