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Everything posted by lemming

  1. Re: The Last Word Certain actions in the movie are cued by the music. It's actually pretty nifty and a great example why most conspiracy theories are crap. (Take two things that just happen to fit together in your view and of course it means this!)
  2. Re: The Last Word If you play Dark Side of the Moon and start watching the Wizard of Oz, the music lends itself pretty well. Psychedelics may help.
  3. Re: Why is Speed so unpopular? I happen to like the speed mechanic, but in the group I played with, we had the speed chart with everyone on it and a time dilator (usually a 4 sided die) that pointed at the person who was going. I also tended to be more tolerant of people buying up speed if they were a quicker player. We also noted that there was less of a difference between a six speed and an eight speed, than a four and a six.
  4. Re: The cranky thread Kitchen Sink is leaking AGAIN! (House was put in 4 years ago, and I've fixed this leak about 10 times now). Though I talked it over with someone and we're convinced it's the disposal that is shaking loose the fittings, so a bit of flex pipe between two parts and actually putting in some straps around the disposal and attaching it to the cabinet (though, that's cheap wood in the cabinet, so I might have to rig something.). Went to the local HW store. It's closed. grrrr. So, I'll get my needed parts on Thursday, and just do a quick fix for now.
  5. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Just came back from seeing The Muppets. it was enjoyable.
  6. Re: Musings on Random Musings Have some salve.
  7. Re: Religion in Science-Fiction? *facepalm* (several up, but would go ot...)
  8. Re: Musings on Random Musings Oh god that was horrible. I was working for McAfee when that came out, and our division went to go see it. "Apparently, they didn't use our software since we should of caught that before release."
  9. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore I think if you didn't overdo it with the chorizo. (Though I haven't done chorizo for a long time. I've been using soyrizo. Mellisa's is the brand I use.)
  10. Re: Cool Guns for your Games I haven't checked all of them, but most of them actually say "Not for rappelling" (or climbing) on them since I'm sure someone was enough of an idiot to do so.
  11. Re: Cool Guns for your Games All tools come with cabiners so you can attach them to your belt now. ok, it just seems that way
  12. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? I like both of them. I've also read most of Dahl's books so I may have been more ready for the tone and not thinking of the original film.
  13. Re: Musings on Random Musings The common theory batted about is that fish oil is used to make it easier to separate plastic bags. Many cats can detect this.
  14. Re: "Neat" Pictures From quite a few more neat photos: http://www.streetartutopia.com/?p=5982
  15. Re: Are Overall Skill Levels overpowered? We found them sufficiently powerful to limit them to five for any character, but we had a lot of skilled characters in our campaigns. Though occasionally we'd get silly with one detective character making some roll by 20 or so (with complimentary skills etc) finding the smallest detail and getting a long drawn out description, meanwhile the char that made it by 3 would already get to the scene since they just needed to know a more general clue. (And yes, it was just the players & GM being silly, nothing game relevant. )
  16. Re: how much weight can a floor support I think there are possible rules in the books, but one simple rule we used was that you can figure out the Strength it takes to lift the person, and figure out if that could cause damage to the floor's defense. edit: NuSoardGraphite had more details of similar idea.
  17. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Today on TV, Outlaw Josey Wales, followed by Silverado. Both are excellent westerns.
  18. Re: "Neat" Pictures Follow the link for the intermediate steps:That's No Spoon to
  19. Re: Interesting discussio on the future of Hero System on rpg.net Oh that's right. Though the softcover followed the BBB in publication.
  20. Re: Interesting discussio on the future of Hero System on rpg.net Every edition has gotten larger and more detailed. Both 5th & 6th have had more basic rules available. I think we're never going to hit upon the perfect formula. The big complaint about 4th edition was that it didn't clear up enough of the ambiguities. Now that Steve cleared up a lot of them, the complaint is that the rule book is too detailed.
  21. Re: Interesting discussio on the future of Hero System on rpg.net The 4E book did exactly the same as the BBB, since they are the same. Did you mean 5th edition for one of the comparisons?
  22. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Latest Bond, but Solace. At least in the US.
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