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Everything posted by lemming

  1. Re: Creepy Pics. Dog Leash. Retractable style.
  2. Re: Make Your Own Motivational Poster I still have some of my kits from the 1960s...
  3. Re: Potential Plot/Scenario Concept -- Lock-Out (AKA MS One: Maximum Security) Looks terrible, but in a good way.
  4. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread Ok. Just signed up for a gallery show for May 24, 2013. A lot of time to procrastinate on which 20ish photos to use. Though I am approaching a few other venues in the meantime, so I should have a pretty solid grouping by then. And where I forgot to add: The Village at Best Friends Animal Society in Kanab Utah.
  5. Re: Creepy Pics. At first I thought people were just reacting to the frog sculpture poorly.
  6. Re: The cranky thread Ouch. Out of our seven, we don't clip one of ours, but everytime he goes to the vet, they try. I've done feral cats, but Bobb holds a grudge which is why my wife & I don't try him.
  7. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Some people help with seeing the wonder of the environment, and some others I want to find a rock to hide the body under.
  8. Re: "Neat" Pictures Google Fu 14- with IMDB 11-
  9. Re: "Neat" Pictures Both produced by 20th century, so the sets may have been close to each other. One thing I had forgotten about was a Family Feud episode with both casts in 1983.
  10. Re: The cranky thread My sympathy on both counts Gewing.
  11. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore How did she survive until 17?
  12. Re: The Last Word Not the coffee I drink.
  13. Re: The Last Word I think part of my ability to deal with slick pavement via snow was driving on eucalyptus oil covered road with fog. Either that or I drove thru more snow than I remember when I went skiing. I nearly got rear ended today because some dip decided I was going too slow on the icy street this morning. I was slowing down (and signalling) to go into a coffee place when I noticed the guy behind me wasn't stopping. I let off the brake and turned early (no cross traffic) fish tailing, but dodging the idiot who then accelerated away (or trying to since his tires didn't have traction anymore). Did get me a free cup of coffee since Val saw the whole thing.
  14. Re: Destroy Your Geek Cred!! I never read Lord of the Rings.
  15. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Last night we had friends over for dinner. 18 Year Caol Ila Scotch served with Creme Brulee made a really good combo.
  16. Re: Query's Art & Stuff Thread Very cool! (must spread rep, yada yada yada)
  17. Re: Make Your Own Motivational Poster Wasn't it Maxim that had a list of the toughest guys at one point maybe 10 years back? I seem to remember Jimmy Stewart topped the list.
  18. Re: The cranky thread Was it a bore snake? I hear they overcharge.
  19. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Some tiny creature, mad with wrath, is coming nearer on the path.
  20. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. "The rectal thermometer is a tradition!" White Elephant party. The thermometer has now made five appearances the last three years over christmas. (And yes, it's unused, in original packaging.)
  21. Re: Why is Speed so unpopular? And you seem to stress out too much over numbers instead of going with the story which I point out is the important part. You got scarred by some players long ago since I remember quite well you've had this rant for a long time. (You were on the champ-l email list weren't you?)
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