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Everything posted by lemming

  1. Re: Musings on Random Musings He's special. Incredibly sweet without a mean thought in his brain. Though some think it's because he has no thought at all in his brain. Rescued from Katrina, picked up off the street Feb 14, 2006. He flew back to Utah with me and was one of the easiest travel companions I had. He's jumped into the shower with house guests as well. As well as jumping into the tub and swimming around.
  2. Re: Musings on Random Musings I had to pull my cat out of the shower this morning before getting in. I'd leave him in, but I don't want to get soap on him.
  3. Re: Creepy Pics. My wife just said that cat has his feet in the second position of ballet.
  4. Re: "Neat" Pictures Yes, watch the final version of Blade Runner, but listen to the Final Cut in the background...
  5. Re: Book of the Empress Cool. I downloaded it, but I'm booked for a few days. Already had Dropbox for a photo project, so no issue there.
  6. Re: "Neat" Pictures I zipped up to Zion on Sunday while we had a snowstorm and got some decent images. Zion
  7. Re: Good resource for a pulp era breakdown of San Francisco's neighborhoods... Cool. I should have the images done tomorrow. Have to stich the expo hall and map stuff since it wouldn't fit on the scanner.
  8. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER I think two of our cats would do fine with rats. We do have a killer cat though. The only thing she hasn't attacked are humans and dogs. Mice, insects, and a kangaroo rat that have crossed the threshold have all died. I'm pretty sure she was sizing up the deer outside our window the other day.
  9. Re: Good resource for a pulp era breakdown of San Francisco's neighborhoods... Adolph Fritz Ley. Born 1881. He came to the states in 1915 from Germany, worked for Kodak for a bit, then worked his way to the west coast. There were quite a few german nationals that emigrated to the slopes of Mt. Tam. The tourist club is still active. The Swiss Club that bordered our property hasn't been active for ages. He became naturalised fairly early, though my grandmother remained a German citizen. She came over in the 20s and illegally came up thru Mexico, living in LA for a bit, and meeting my grandfather at a German dance hall in SF in the late 20s. (Oddly enough, that building was where the California Culinary Academy was until recently. My wife went there for training, and we had our wedding reception there.) The house in Marin was originally a vacation cottage, but after my mom was born in '28, they moved there. And my grandfather expanded it a lot, using reclaimed fixings in junkyards from warehouses, ships, etc... He was a machinist and worked at the Salmon canneries until 1942 when he was hit by a car and hospitalised for several months. He invented a process for canning beer at one point (forget which year, but I think it was in the 30s) for the American Beer company. Got a $20 bonus iirc. BTW, He went by Fritz. Not sure if that was pre-war or not.
  10. Re: Good resource for a pulp era breakdown of San Francisco's neighborhoods... Ok, Bernstein's was the restaurant, The Pilot House must of been the bar: http://www.timeshutter.com/image/bernsteins-fish-grotto-123-powell-st-san-francisco-calif And thru this I found two interesting looking books: http://www.amazon.com/Franciscos-Lost-Landmarks-James-Smith/dp/1884995446/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1329284855&sr=8-1 http://www.amazon.com/Infinite-City-San-Francisco-Atlas/dp/0520262506/ref=pd_bxgy_b_text_b
  11. Re: Good resource for a pulp era breakdown of San Francisco's neighborhoods... I've got some scanning to do. I should see if I can find my box of postcards, I'm sure some are of the Bay Area of that time. My grandfather worked on the bridge, but I think just in the off season since he usually sailed up to Alaska in the 30s to the Salmon canneries there. Somewhere is his diary of one of the voyages, but the only thing I remember about it is a few days out. "One of the china men died so he was tossed overboard." 1933 is also the last year he was in the Communist Party.
  12. Re: Musings on Random Musings I thought socks were the larvae form of wire hangers?
  13. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore My wife's method for grilled cheese is similar to Collie. (maybe less butter) Thin layer of mayo on one bread, thin layer of mustard on other bread. Thin slices of tillamook chedder. (grated works well.) You actually don't want too use a lot of cheese. Low to medium heat in skillet. Let the pan heat up to temp. Butter outside of bread and place in skillet. I usually butter the non-down side as the first side cooks. Cook until bread is browned (cheese is usually soft by the time first side is done) Flip Cook until down side is browned and cheese should be melted then. If cheese is running out a lot, then you probably used too much cheese, but this is mostly YMMV gauge.
  14. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? The other two notables things I watched while pet sitting. Scorpion King: Bad action film, but it certainly was fun enough. GI Joe: Plot holes the size of trucks all over the place, but the game reminded me of a fun RPG session.
  15. Re: Good resource for a pulp era breakdown of San Francisco's neighborhoods... Looks like I have a ticket book for the fair, some hiking maps of Mt. Tam (where they lived) and a few other odds and ends. No idea when this bar menu from the Pilot House at Bernsteins dates from. Pint of Guiness Stout for 65 cents. And the War memorial Opera House recently opened in '32. Though I think the Hansel & Gretel presentation was 12/26 & 12/27 of 1931 based on this beatup program. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_Francisco_War_Memorial_and_Performing_Arts_Center
  16. Re: Good resource for a pulp era breakdown of San Francisco's neighborhoods... I need to look at some of the stuff I just unpacked while doing some cleaning. I've got a banner from the '39 world's fair (some security guard gave it to my mom) and I think there are a few other items from there. She also worked at Playland, I think while she went to college, but I don't think she kept anything from then.
  17. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I wonder what the etiquitte is for when you're house sitting for friends and something dies in their fridge? I know it's something of thiers...
  18. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Petsitting over the weekend and watching TV. Watchmen, Leverage, and a bunch of random stuff. Seems to be more online dating sites now. Specialist types (farming, by race, age, religion and the usual ones) Just an observation.
  19. Re: "Neat" Pictures For a couple more and the process: http://www.metro.co.uk/news/889118-stunning-photos-show-bullet-flying-through-a-waterdrop
  20. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Around here, waiting for 3 cars to go by in heavy traffic. Occasionly, you'll get some large thing on a truck going by at 15 mph that holds you up for a bit. And for the people working at the sanctuary, it seems that the cops escorting the large vehicle wait until 7:45 to pull out of the truck stop and slowly go north. And since most people at the sanctuary start work at 8 am, and it usually takes 15 minutes to get to work at the usual 50 mph, those things tend to be very annoying.
  21. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... "Arthur clawed apart the kitchen. Apparently we had some ants."
  22. Re: Order of the Stick Aw, I like the cockroach chorus.
  23. Re: "Neat" Pictures Might be Yosemite. One of the reasons I prefer doing most of my photography in the winter. Better atmosphere.
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