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Everything posted by lemming

  1. Re: The cranky thread I said the heck with doing photo prints at home finally and now have a nice little laserjet that's cheaper to run and I don't fuss with color at all.
  2. Re: The cranky thread Nah, too soft. Plus I'm not hearing any chewing noises.
  3. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread Cathy Just got back from the vet, and Cathy has tested negative for FeLV & FIV, which means we can have her meet our other cats with no issue. And she's becoming much more social already, so I think she'll be able to be adopted out with no problem.
  4. Re: The cranky thread Was trying to figure out why my arm wasn't resting comfortably. Apparently my elbow swelled up right where I noticed a lump my doctor said was nothing to worry about. Hmm, probably bursistis if the internet search was accurate.
  5. Re: Since CoH is gone... Apparently there are talks going on between some members of Paragon Studios and NCSoft, but no idea. Lots of publicity. I played some of the new arcs that were on Beta and enjoyed them. Hopefully, the game gets saved.
  6. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore My wife just made a test batch of these for a dinner she's catering: Spicy Fried Chickpeas Very yummy.
  7. Re: The cranky thread Yellowstone and Grand Tetons with going thru Flaming Gorge on the way back. All in all, a great trip, and much more expensive things could of been broken. No one got eaten by Grizzly Bears, my cameras are fine, I rescued a cat, so no regrets on going.
  8. Re: The cranky thread Not quite cranky now, but I'm amazed I wasn't crankier during the camping trip. 0829 : Just before leaving, ripped a hole in my sleeping bag by taking the tag off. My wife fixed it just before I left. 0831 : First stop, opened back of X-terra and water jug fell out. Sprung a leak in a bad spot. Tossed into recycling. 0831 : First camp site, the low pressure light came on. I check the tires, find a nail in one. Thankfully the spare is full size, so drove on that the rest of the trip until back in the city and got the tire fixed. 0901 : During the night, my air mattress decides to start leaking. By 0903 it's useless. 0902 : One of the tent poles splinters during setup. (fiberglass, electric tape wrapped around it seems to hold it together) 0903 : The surviving water jug falls over and breaks it's cap. 0904 : Setting up tent, the rainfly tie down rips on one corner. 0905 : Sitting at dinner, my sunglasses that are just sitting on the table, let off a click and one lens falls out. Turns out the frame broke. 0906 : Zipping up my sweat jacket, the zipper comes off. Same day I get the tire nail taken out, and get home. 0907 : I use other car to drive back to rescue kitten. My wife goes to work and tells me the tire pressure light is on again. Next day I take the car in again and they find two nails in a different tire. Not sure what was going on, but I've never had that many things break. Thankfully, none were critical, just annoying.
  9. Re: Would you allow this? I played a character named Mr. Indestructable. There were some NNDs that could get him (and damage reduction worked against those). He did have a tendancy to attract the the brick who would want to see just how indestructable he was. He did get tossed from the field a few times. And he could do enough damage to not be completely ignored. (Note the power levels in the game ranged all the way from 8d6 to 30d6, based somewhat on Legion of Superheroes type action) In the context of the game, he worked well.
  10. Re: "Neat" Pictures Yep this. (Though being in the SW, that sort of storm isn't that unusual...)
  11. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Aug 30 I headed up to Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons. Great trip, and a good time of year. Photos of the trip: On the way back, we also stopped at Flaming Gorge Park and during lunch I found out a good friend of mine, also in Animal Rescue passed away that morning from Ovarian Cancer. She's been fighting it for years. That evening (Tuesday), when we were setting up camp at Flaming Gorge, I spotted a kitten. I talked to the Camp Host and found out she'd been left behind near the beginning of summer. Which means she'd been avoiding the Great Horned Owl, Coyotes, and other problems since. I didn't have the tools to catch her, so after I got back to Kanab, and picked up my kit, I drove back Friday to get her. I was successful and she's now hanging out in our bathroom. She's already eating baby food off our fingers, so I have good expectations on socialising her. Her name is Cathy, named for my friend.
  12. Re: The cranky thread Wow. Nothing I have falls into cranky. My sympathies to all suffering losses.
  13. Re: "Neat" Pictures Less Sage brush, but pretty much the view outside for me in Southern Utah as well.
  14. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... Jeanette I delivered her to Texas, got back yesterday. Her foster mom agrees, cutest kitten in a long time. Once she's spayed, I don't see her waiting around for a home long.
  15. Re: Musings on Random Musings I haven't bought a new pair of jeans in years. Something to do with almost always wearing shorts (up to wearing pants seven times already this year, mostly due to moving hay) For me, I tend to go to Eddie Bauer or other places that have oversized jeans. Most sizes stop at size 36 inseam. However, I tend to hit Old Navy up for shorts once a year where the prices drop down to $10-$15 for a pair.
  16. Re: Interesting article about Sexism in Geek Communities There are a lot of people out there that I wouldn't mind being fed to a wood chipper. Off hand stupid comments are one thing (if wrong), but going out of your way to be a total tool is pretty disgusting.
  17. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Hmm, will always have to say "No thanks, I just had a big lunch" if offered food by teh bunneh.
  18. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Cinnanom works in quite a lot of stuff. I'm very sorry I'm allergic to it.
  19. Re: Musings on Random Musings Two places here serve pizza: Pizza Hut, and Lotsa Motsa (which I found out is a chain). Pizza Hut has a cracker crust pizza, that makes their's edible, but barely. Lotsa Motsa is the worst pizza I have ever had by far. Thankfully, I make a pretty decent pizza myself. (scratch crust and sauce).
  20. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... Our foster cat jeanette: Jeanette She was found nearly two weeks ago sprawled on the highway by our friend who was just about to head to LA for the week. She called us and we took her in. The cheif vet from my wife's work came over since she seemed to a little injured. One of her teeth was thru her cheek, and one leg was being favored, but nothing severe. We got her some pain meds, and took her in for x-rays the next day. Nothing serious, she had probably been tossed from a car. Since then, she's turned into caffienated popcorn, but snuggles with us at night. Gets along with other cats. She didn't get into the program at work, but our friends with a rescue in Texas are willing to take her. (We already have six plus another foster.)
  21. Re: Musings on Random Musings Being that your anniversaries were for 1 and 11 years back, I'd be wary in 9 years.
  22. Re: Creepy Pics. Best Explanation yet.
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