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Everything posted by lemming

  1. Re: "Neat" Pictures Here's one from earlier in the week: And from a hike recently: Hike - Zebra Slot and Tunnel Sep 2012
  2. Re: "Neat" Pictures Praying Mantis Season around here again.
  3. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread Yesterday was our 17th Wedding Anniversary. I feel very blessed over that.
  4. Re: Fantasy Race Bloat? http://www.lfgcomic.com/page/604
  5. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... Her name is Cathy. (Named for a friend who passed away the same day I found the kitten)
  6. Re: The cranky thread I had to pony up the bucks to get a well calibrated version. Cheap ones just start beeping at http://ww.herog
  7. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... We'll be down to seven when he leaves. Unless we find a home for the new kitten.
  8. Re: Creepy Pics. I thought Scrooge just paid off some people to keep the problem out of the papers.
  9. Re: The cranky thread Thanks. And someday, I'll be able to give you rep again.
  10. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... I still haven't found out how our foster kitten did at her first adoption event last weekend. Hoping to get the current foster spayed soon and out the door near the end of October with a friend who is interested. Which is when our hospice foster cat is going home after four years of being in our home. (We'll keep our guest room cat free for a bit so my wife can setup her crafts finally)
  11. Re: And Now for Something Slightly Different: Mis-Spelled and Reimagined Supers Sam Bell had a write up of The Sulk. The sadder he gets, the stronger he gets.
  12. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Violent Femmes - Dance MF, Dance.
  13. Re: Why Your Heroes Shouldn't Kill +1 on Tasha. And Kahuna is correct about him being based on the Question. (Loosely like all of the Watchmen)
  14. Re: Possible City of Heroes campaign
  15. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Very cool Planet P video.
  16. Re: Interesting article about Sexism in Geek Communities I'll admit to taking a "butt" shot while in Yellowstone. Not a great photo, and it was because of this girl in high heels, ruffled skirt, sparkly hose, and other fashion attire that would of been more in place in a night club instead of on a hiking trail.
  17. Re: The cranky thread A good friend of mine died recently from cancer. Someone I know wants to put together a remembrance for her. Thing is, my friend hated this woman because of the various back stabbing things she's done to make herself look good and to make a few others look bad. (Including my friend). (Oh, and she's started doing this without the family's knowledge who have already started setting something else up.) I'm staying away from commenting in public about it (well, outside of here), but two faced people make me very cranky.
  18. Re: Possible City of Heroes campaign Sounds cool. I would just do a campaign with the story background, but I wouldn't try to jam the powers into Hero. I was thinking on converting some of my chars back into Hero from CoX just for the heck of it, but have some other projects to finish before I even start. (Haven't even had a chance to play CoX the last few weeks except for a brief evening)
  19. Re: The cranky thread Every once in awhile, I've had that happen as well.
  20. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Yea, that's why Sullivan had them on the show several times, and agreed to introduce them at Shea Stadium...
  21. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Yea, I noticed that the ginger slices worked very well as candied as well.
  22. Re: "Neat" Pictures It's Burning Man, of course there's cleavage light.
  23. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Wouldn't get me drunk at all. (Just because gin makes me throw up instantly) Sounds nifty though. I've been playing with recreating a Ginger Margarita. (Mainly Ginger syrup made by boiling down a sugar solution with ginger slices in it and straining it and using lime juice, and tequila.)
  24. Re: "Neat" Pictures Whoa. I skimmed it earlier, totally missed some of the aerial and underground bits.
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