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Everything posted by lemming

  1. Re: Musings on Random Musings Do you like to read? Yes About how often do you read? 1-2 books/Week sometimes more, but 1.5 makes a good average. Will you be reading the final HP book? When my wife is done with it, though I'm not waiting for her to finish here How do you feel about my book postings? Keeps you off the streets. Recommended: Well, some of the latest: Code Complete - Steve McConnell Anansi Boys - Neil Gaiman American Prometheus - about J. Robert Openheimer Kitty.
  2. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Coast to Coast - The Jesus and Mary Chain
  3. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Warren Zevon - Model Citizen
  4. Re: The Last Word Gah. Nothing like having a meeting moved in time, but not told when it's going to be.
  5. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Free Fallin' by Tom Petty
  6. Re: What does YOUR underground mutant organization do when: The question is: Do you want to keep the player? Gamewise: What's been said before is pretty good advice. If the PC was actually a NPC, the PCs would of thrown him in a sack and assumed he was an enemy agent.
  7. Re: Dumbest thing... Damn kids. Get off my lawn.
  8. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Should of had this rep eight days ago.
  9. Re: Musings on Random Musings Heh. I'm not sure what mix she is of.
  10. Re: Musings on Random Musings Update: The dog has been retrieved.
  11. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Israel by Siouxsie
  12. Re: Musings on Random Musings I'm up at a special project in New York. That day, a duck and a dog had to be euthanized which was sad, but best for those two. A feral dog got loose, she's still loose, but I saw her today and I think she'll go into one of the traps tonight. And I got stabbed in the back of a coworker. Always a fun thing. Let's just say it took me digging a 35 yard trench to get my frustrations out. (The trench was for drainage. Some of the dog pens were in danger of flooding.) And a few other decisions that blew. I'm no longer being able to work with a couple cats I had in my room. They were very shy and afraid before I started. One was sleeping under the covers, the other on the pillow next to me. I won't get the full consequences of the stabbing until next week when I return to Utah in all likelyhood. And today's work relied on me being big & strong. I didn't have much problem with my root canal last year. My dentist used a local though he had a massage chair and I had been working so hard, I started falling asleep in the chair. He said that usually didn't happen.
  13. Re: The Last Word We had one cat who would open the water heater closet, punched out the screen over the overflow drain and would get into our crawl space. I bungeed the doors closed and late at night we would hear him working out with the door. bang bang bang.
  14. Re: Musings on Random Musings Can't be much worse than my Wednesday.
  15. Re: Another Brick in the Wall (Tell me about your Brick!) Heh. Scales, was team leader for the Protectors. (Boston) I think one game we had six bricks and one martial artist.
  16. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER My wife's dad never had wisdom teeth either. It's uncommon. Though, her dad is Swedish descended. I wonder...
  17. Re: Musings on Random Musings I've done the full on flung off bike into blackberries with a thistle underbelly. That was a fun day...
  18. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I forgot how much I dislike toll roads.
  19. Re: The Last Word There was a cat at the sanctuary that could run along the walls like a gecko. She freaked a lot of people out.
  20. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER I drink bottled water often enough, though I actually prefer putting a filter on my own tap. Less paying for shipping IMO.
  21. Re: The Last Word I tend to not remember my dreams either.
  22. Re: When GMs Rewrite the rules Ew. Yea, I might forget a house rule because I've played it for so long, but let's just be a bit reasonable. And nothing against power gaming, but you got to let everyone else play as well then.
  23. Re: The Last Word When it's off. silly
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