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Everything posted by lemming

  1. Re: The Last Word Eventful week. Did a mobile adoption in Vegas 8/4-5 and found homes for eight cats. Drove back to Kanab Aug 6 and got the list ready for the next weekend mobile. I also went to Pahrump Saturday night to help out for the evening. More about this later. Then got into our Nissan Pathfinder to drive to Pahrump Nevada to help with the cat rescue going on there. My wife and I are about 30 miles from Vegas when the battery light and the brake light turn on. I think that's odd, but the car is acting fine, and then we start overheating. We pull off at a service station and I can't find anything wrong other than we are overheating. Fluid was still fine. We had been talking earlier in the week about replacing the '93 Pathfinder with possibly a Suburu Forester or a Nissan Xterra. But we were planning on slightly used. We check with a Nissan dealer on the way and drive there. The car starts overheating again and when we pull into the parking lot, the horn is making a soft cow in distress noise. Well, no bargaining power. But we wound up getting a 2007 Nissan Xterra and continuing our drive to Pahrump arriving at 2am. Thankfully we had the money at the time to be able to do this. The next day, we go down to the compound where about 400 cats roam surrounded by a tall fence. There are still many who are way too skinny, but a lot are doing better. About 40 cats are in the hospital buildings where I go first to help with giving meds and sub cue fluids. My wife helps out with some miscellaneous chores around the area and then socializes with some of the cats. For lunch, we go down to a brothel which has been recommended with a couple friends met during Katrina. Good food and only $24 for the four of us. The ladies have also been collecting donations for the rescue effort. The whole town of Pahrump have been very supportive. One of the Casino's is hosting an adoption event for us today (Sat 8/11) On Wednesday, we can only help out in the morning. We get assigned to help out at the county shelter where ~125 cats are being held after being taken from the former president of FLOCK. They're still "owned" by Sherri Allen, so we are only allowed to clean and only a couple different meds can be given to these. After a whirlwind of cleaning, we need to drive back to Kanab and then work our usual jobs.
  2. Re: (SoloUber) Webs of the Widower Hmm. We really know how to bait your deathtraps now.
  3. Re: Musings on Random Musings And she'll probably have that common trait of Tortishells. The Tortitude. Neat that the site also showed Torbies which are from what I understand a "recent" mutation. (20 some odd years)
  4. Re: Musings on Random Musings I drove 25 hours over a period of four days this last week. No wonder I'm tired of driving. Especially since one of the vehicles died. So on the good side, we have a new car and were able to afford it.
  5. Re: The Last Word I got seven kittens adopted out this weekend and an eighth that will go home next weekend. And one kitten named Beatty is being renamed Blender, because it's about the same effect when you put your hand near her as putting it in a Blender. She's being sent to foster that will try to mellow her out a bit.
  6. Re: Your Superhero Identity for Today As long as he doesn't crush the peanuts, he's fine....
  7. Re: Your Superhero Identity for Today Name: Red Cat Secret Identity: ***** Special Power: Twisting Finger Transportation: Magnetic Umbrella Weapon: Ultra Grenade Costume: Hardened Skin Sidekick: Bones Nemesis: Nancy the Sneaky Tragic Flaw: Fear of snakes Favorite Food: Lasagna ----- At least E84 got some boots... Though twisting finger? ----- And my wife: Name: Scary Flame Secret Identity: ***** Special Power: Flaming Chopsticks Transportation: Turbo Plane Weapon: Electron Bolt Costume: String Helmet Sidekick: Pollonius Nemesis: Ming the Puzzler Tragic Flaw: Laziness Favorite Food: Split Pea Soup
  8. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Run with the Pack - Bad Company Smile - Elastica Motorcyle - Love & Rockets Nothing is True - Jim Carroll Band Warsaw - Joy Division
  9. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Whoa. Positive reinforcement!
  10. Re: The cranky thread Yikes! Incredibly scary and sad.
  11. Re: WWYCD: The Prometheus Meteorshower (Kelvarite) Spitfire: Knows a thing or two about genetic mutation, plus being rather strong and tough. She'd try to help out those that wanted help.
  12. Re: The cranky thread Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean that they aren't out to get you.
  13. Re: The cranky thread Good luck Archermoo. Sounds like you will probably be fine though.
  14. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game It's not immediatly. Otherwise you'd have to redo your pets everytime you go up an elevator. I think it's about 30 seconds or so. Of course, because of the lvl 54 mobs on the ship, everyone might die anyway. Just need good lackey management is all.
  15. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game
  16. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game Joining a ship raid is pretty easy. Last night my team had 4 50s and 4 38-44s.
  17. Re: Brainstorming a mystical superhero mansion The gardner for our mansion looked like a shredder from the V&V sets. His face was always cloaked in darkness. That and the gardening tools included chainsaws, flamethrowers, etc... Another reason the villains never attacked, they were afraid of the garden.
  18. Re: Cable TV Show Demonstrating Martial Arts May have to check out the videos as they come up.
  19. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game In the Rikti War Zone, doing the raid versus the mothership will net you around 150 merits per raid. And getting the Vanguard storage sack is darn useful, if you're like me with tons of invention salvage collecting around. (Though I've given up and started bidding on the 3 million bits lately...)
  20. Re: Brainstorming a mystical superhero mansion We never did map out the Protector's Mansion. A big haunted mansion with all sorts of rooms. It was always just a cut scene going from one part to the other. If the mansion didn't like you, it would just take longer... Due to having a GM that had been subjected to the Death Trap base* by a different GM, we didn't have any fights in the base. The villains didn't want to risk it, and neither did we. *Death Trap Base was in a different campaign where we constantly ambushed by villains in our base. Fiacho once leaped out of a closet, stuff like that. Funny now, not so much at the time.
  21. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Playing and queued Harvester of Eyes - Blue Oyster Cult The Majesty of Rock - Spinal Tap The Happy Worker - Tori Amos off Toys Soundtrack Kooler Than Jesus - My life with the Thrill Kill Kult Turning Japanese - The Vapors
  22. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game I had the same thing, but that was while they were doing maintenance. Have you tried again?
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