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Everything posted by lemming

  1. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Most of the following conversation takes place in my head. "So let's look at your application even though the declaw comment from earlier probably means no." "Hmm, 'They Died' is what happened to her last pets..." "So I see that your past pets died, can I get some details." Reply was actually semi-ok up to the supreme WTF moment. "And then one of the birds died, so I had to let the other one go free." I so want to Adoption Nazi. "NO CAT FOR YOU!" Too bad I'm supposed to be professional.
  2. Re: The Last Word My cousin used to live there. I visited once. I'm much more impressed with the racks. And the company is also involved with the Kinetic Sculpture race in Eureka, so I knew of them there.
  3. Re: The Last Word Hot Chocolate mix in bad coffee sometimes makes it tolerable.
  4. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game Ouch Blue. I do all my stuff windowed, which you might want to try out. I don't have to restart when I resize things. Of course, that won't solve your problem, but at least you can go with the biggest possible.
  5. Re: Musings on Random Musings Well, Milk is not part of a vegan diet, but those parents did make some bad choices.
  6. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Mmmm. Cheese and Crackers
  7. Re: Musings on Random Musings Oh oh. It's a gateway flavoring! Run! More on bacon
  8. Re: Musings on Random Musings Oh it could be she think Josh & Alice let their cat roam free and is saving the cat from them. We run across this all the time. Or it could be a cat that looks similar. Hope it's him and you get him back guys. You didn't by chance microchip him? I can't suggest this strongly enough for animals now.
  9. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Hero - Ministry Blow you away - Pigface
  10. Re: Musings on Random Musings Well, it's not that what they are talking about. Or shouldn't be. It's not the act of milking, but the conditions that the cows are kept in. Of course, that's not all milking cows, but if you saw the worst conditions, it would horrify you.
  11. Re: Musings on Random Musings And then there are the carnivores who like to say "yea, this is a veggie burger while serving a hamburger to a vegan" Not that I haven't seen the reverse. On the whole e-coli deal with meat. Ground has a much higher chance of having it. Who ever said 50% of mass was totally wrong though. My take on it is, it's a personal choice, not everyone can do a vegetarian/vegan/carnivore diet.
  12. Re: Musings on Random Musings Do we work at the same place? The guy that IT sends out first for us is a total moron. He's been there long enough that he used to know more than the average user and could bully people into thinking they were doing something wrong. He's now dealing with at least a dozen, if not more of people who know way more than him, and call him on it.
  13. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I wrangles a rattlesnake today with a squeegee and a garbage can.
  14. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game Doesn't seem very protective...
  15. Re: Seven Wonders of the Totalitarian World
  16. Re: Watch out! New Superhero in town!! That were my thoughts as well. Any sort of road debris would really be bad. Not to mention curbs.
  17. Re: Seven Wonders of the Totalitarian World And according to wiki, lenin is still in residence.
  18. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Rome - Sutrobath The Best Things - Filter Does your mother know - ABBA Dazzle - Siouxsie and the Banshees
  19. I don't want to be reunited! Seen while tracking down a prior adopter whose cat was picked up by animal control.
  20. Re: Seven Wonders of the Totalitarian World I suppose I could look up some of this info, but I remember something about statues of lenin and stalin coming down.
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