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Everything posted by lemming

  1. Re: Your characters, favorite by Archetype Brick : Scales, though he fits into Mystic as well Energy Projector : Blazer, musician and blaster. Gadgeteer : Ice Pirate, alien goofball really Martial Artist : Calico, feline psychopath Mentalist : Spectrum, really defined in Zornwil's game. Metamorph : Mr. Putty, in Zornwil's villain game. Pheromone's that make everyone like him and shape shifting. Powered Armor : Mad Bomber, one of my first characters. Worked much better as a villain... Speedster : Road Runner Weapon Master : Ice Pirate again...
  2. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread Decided that Tortellini needed a sleep over and took her to my hotel room. She has decided that she likes pillows. Maybe she'll get adopted tomorrow.
  3. Re: Musings on Random Musings Ah, the cone of shame. Our Zane cat is finally able to jump up on stuff again. He's got a bad virus that caused congestion, then a burst ear drum. That happened a couple weeks ago. He still snores and goes around with a head tilt. In a week he goes in to the doctors and we'll try something new.
  4. Re: The cranky thread I avoid three accidents on my way from Vegas to Kanab today. I'm in the right lane, jerk zips by me and starts tailgating slow guy in front of him, who starts to go slower since we're going up a hill. I maintain speed and start to go past, no biggie, but there is a truck who is going slower than all of us. At my present speed, I'll pass everyone without a problem. Jerk decides as I'm next to him to zip around. Fortunetly, no one on the side of the road since that's where I get to drive while braking. Stopping in Mesquite another person runs a red as I'm about to go thru the intersection. Braking again. And then a Suburban decided to pass on a blind curve in the Arizona Strip. Almost went off the pavement to avoid him. That plus the stress at work really made my day.
  5. Re: Musings on Random Musings Fried Goblin Bits!
  6. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game I was actually describing someone from the comics... But I think someone named Weber in a Chef's hat with a Spatula in one hand and a fork in the other...
  7. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game Well, what we need is a staff with an electric fork at the top...
  8. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread Happy Dance Alice!
  9. Re: The cranky thread So I can't cancel the service, but I can just not pay the bill, have it disconnected, then when I actually want to have water at that property, just have it reconnected for a fee slightly more than the monthly fee?
  10. Re: What if: Japan won World War 2? The Nazi's were shipping how to Japan, but that sub got intercepted. Going off of memory, I believe the Japanese intent was to not make an actual A-Bomb, but one that spewed radioactive material from one of their weather balloon bombs.
  11. Re: Musings on Random Musings I'm still using my 1992 TV, but I paid more than $75 for it.
  12. Re: The Last Word Hmm. Maybe they don't train the west coast guys as well. I went with some coworkers and the guy bounced the spatula off one coworkers head. We got a free meal out of it.
  13. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Our 12th Anniversary was yesterday (9/30) and I was out of town. We're going out tomorrow for a special dinner.
  14. Re: Help with CoH name "She put me through some changes boy, sort of like a Waring Blender"
  15. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread Two of my favorite cats went to good homes today!
  16. Re: The Last Word It's not that bad. The ice keeps it cool so same as refrigeration.
  17. Re: Musings on Random Musings Urinary Tract Infection
  18. Re: WWYCD: Out of cash Ice Pirate still hasn't figured out the concept of money. She's always broke.
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