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Everything posted by lemming

  1. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER I know I'm exhausted!
  2. Re: Do any of you still play 4th edition and FH Circa 1990? Heck, I still use some 3rd edition stuff like -1/3"
  3. Re: Eleven Lamest "Super" Villains It's amazing that Kite-man didn't get eaten by a tree. Though it would of been amusing to see Swamp Thing make an appearance.
  4. Re: A Thread for Random Musings How soon they forget post #1
  5. Re: Musings on Random Musings Wait, the moon isn't made out of cheese, but made out of stuffing?
  6. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Hmm, the fixer upper seems to be a tear down and replace. Ponder.
  7. Re: Still looking for original character sheets Ouch. Well, I'm moving in the next few months, so I might uncover stuff. I'll keep them in mind.
  8. Re: Star Trek’s 10 Cheesiest Classic Creatures I like this power: "Imperviousness to fake-looking Styrofoam rocks" and the weakness "hammers (presumably)." Though I doubt someone could use a hammer on one. And I wonder if that drug commercial ties in at all with the Savage Curtain?
  9. Re: The Last Word Redmeat with Milkman Dan
  10. Re: A Thread For Random Links Since this is here: Redmeat I should note the linked comic is fine, but occasionally RM treads some NSFW areas.
  11. Re: Still looking for original character sheets Ah right. If I have the ones you're looking for, they'd be in a box in storage.
  12. Re: I am so, so old... Yea, really. Says yet another 43.
  13. Re: The Last Word Nah. I mean alchohol might make one relaxed enough to follow through with the sex act, but it rarely enhances it, IMO.
  14. Re: Evil organization with science + supernatural elements? I believe Enforcer84 made up an organization that may work with little modification. Magewerks
  15. Re: The Last Word I really like the single malt Islay scotch. But I started with Irish as well. Still enjoy Bushmill's. I'm tipsy now, but it's one of those weeks and I realized when I needed to stop. I'm in that pleasant wavery area. In that spot where I just don't care how bad of a week I had and am looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow. (Tue & Wed off)
  16. Re: Still looking for original character sheets Used to be you could find them in the free stuff area. Didn't see them, I still have the outlines, you can grab the sheet at: http://www.quirkyqatz.com/lemming/hero_att/1982_sheet.pdf and the various outlines in a zip: http://www.quirkyqatz.com/lemming/hero_att/outlines_1982.zip
  17. Re: Musings on Random Musings If they're good memories, why not keep them (depending on storage)? Me, I tossed a ton of stuff, but among it was probably some nice stuff, but a lot of penmanship books from the 2nd grade. And a few things that just had to go, but I really should of held onto the ledger my mom had. It's not many who could of pointed at something that said how much their childhood cost.
  18. Re: Musings on Random Musings Ouchies. Glad it's being looked at. I'm scheduling a doctor's visit myself tomorrow for something weird going on with my foot. I'm 99% positive it's not what you got.
  19. Re: WWYCD: King Arthur's back I didn't vote for him.
  20. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I want a do over.
  21. Re: World's biggest natural disaster? Counter point to Canary Tsunami
  22. Re: The Last Word I sleep better, but I've got an odd recovery. Bad Short term, but good LTE.
  23. Re: The Last Word I won';t be banking but donating another volume of A-neg next month.
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