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Everything posted by lemming

  1. Re: Martial Art: Tricking "A Horse, A Horse! My tennis shoes for a horse!"
  2. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER How about a triple gainer with a twist?
  3. Re: The cranky thread We're looking into a firm called Embrace Pet Insurance. I haven't looked into myself, but the little I've read shows them better than the big firm. (Vet something?)
  4. Re: The cranky thread I am going to have to break some people in half. That's all there is to it. And in other news, it takes six hours to fill out 16 business trips worth of expense reports.
  5. Re: Songs that inspire(d) you to make a Champions Character Harvester of Eyes Flaming Telepath Revenge of Vera Gemini Magna Of Illusion
  6. Re: Songs that inspire(d) you to make a Champions Character Well, there's always taking Blue Oyster Cult lyrics.
  7. Re: "Neat" Pictures Log, I think that's Leonard Eto, who did some drumming for Siouxsie at concert. (Or could be someone using a similar setup...)
  8. Re: Musings on Random Musings We still have patches of snow and it's 10 F this morning.
  9. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER All this talk of cliffs.... Thankfully I had a 12 step program to keep myself from taking it all at once.
  10. Re: Musings on Random Musings They also mentioned for compact cameras and excluded SLRs such as yours.
  11. Re: The Last Word Hmm, I think we have an iron.
  12. lemming

    Glassy Mars

    Re: Glassy Mars Oooo. The NASA Brainwashing kit would be nifty!
  13. Re: What about a Space 1999 Hero Relying on old memories. Same production company, but I don't think they're the same universe. UFO could be the precursor to 1999?
  14. Re: The artwork drives me nuts Just to point out, I have done both. If it was a genre that interested me, I would of done that if it was priced right. Back when I had more disposable income and game books were something good to read on the bus. And some stores did have things shrink wrapped. I was more likely to buy something I had heard about previously, but it didn't rule anything out. Of course, that did have me picking up Synabar (sp)
  15. Re: The Last Word I actually threaded my wife's machine, haven't used it for anything, but I have done some hand stitching to repair a cat bed...
  16. Re: Martial Art: Tricking Ouch. I really tried forgetting that film had ever been made.
  17. Re: Musings on Random Musings I googled and I think I'll be disappointed if I go further than: Hmm, not sure if that device falls under the language rules here... There's also a website and a band. And a film that is very lacking in description at imdb
  18. Re: The cranky thread I am so pissed off at some evil under handed jerks and I can't even talk about it. Grrrrrr. Hopefully our legal team is about to fry them.
  19. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Hmm. Could be, but it's also the color for a mind flayer
  20. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Possibly Glistening Mauve.
  21. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Whoa. Had a two week break there. I would of racked up some nice points in Last Word.
  22. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? "Someone keeps moving my Chair" - TMBG
  23. Re: The Last Word Are we now going to talk about sewing?
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