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Everything posted by lemming

  1. Re: The Last Word We had a cat with an infected salivary gland. After we cleared it up, much nicer cat. Go figure.
  2. Re: "I shoot the escape pod!!!" That was Cayenne on the herrings. Sigh.
  3. Re: Catgirls (and Catboys) for Fantasy Stubborn with a whole lot of ADD
  4. Re: Musings on Random Musings Thinking 13th. Need to double check that I get the time off work, but should be doable.
  5. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game He's on there now.
  6. Re: The Last Word I had one two years ago. It wasn't for fun, the root canal wasn't bad. The time just before it, not so good.
  7. Re: Lost cities under Russian lake... Well, according to something else I read, not sure which link off of google, but apparently someone didn't put a lid on a well which held a secret, and that drowned the city.
  8. Re: Lost cities under Russian lake... Nifty This part of the wiki entry for the lake intrigued me
  9. Re: Musings on Random Musings Now that's convenient. Siouxsie is playing in SF a couple days before DDC.
  10. Re: Sell me on "Galactic Champions"? Quasar did a piss poor job of protecting the Marvel Universe. He needed to go after Joe!
  11. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game incrdbil, tried adding @FeroxRex to global, but it said you don't exist. BTW, people I've been sending Globals from @Lemming
  12. Re: Happy New Year Hmm, flying car... Just what we need more people with less restrictions on the road.
  13. Re: "I shoot the escape pod!!!" Well, it was my last session of FH with the GM. His games were of the sort that were fun to recollect, but not so much during. They were bearable just because of the other players were fun. Hmm, Not sure if pay was ever mentioned, though the campaign degenerated quickly from there. Most of the team got killed in death traps a few weeks later. Mine in a giant wine press, IIRC. All in all, a wonderfully goofy game.
  14. Re: Most common super hero jobs Detective
  15. Re: "I shoot the escape pod!!!" I like that. Most of my problems haven't been so much with those moments, but I tend to throw red herrings out that become more important to the players than the plot.
  16. lemming

    Red Ensign

    Re: Red Ensign The Human Target!
  17. Re: The Last Word I'm in favor of a Hot Toddy. tablespoon each of whisky, lemon juice, honey. And boiling water for the rest of the glass. Overdoing it though causes other problems though.
  18. Re: "I shoot the escape pod!!!" I derailed a couple things. One was with a critical hit in the beginning of combat killing the mage that was going to be the big bad for us in a fantasy hero game. The GM killed my character off hand for revenge. The other was a champions game, we all wrote up characters for a dark future game and for our first assignment, my character got the instructions and I mixed up target with who we were supposed to protect...
  19. Re: The Last Word I'm fighting something off. Maybe heavy drinking tonight will kill it.
  20. Re: Songs that inspire(d) you to make a Champions Character "1 PS: Parent 8-" I'd replace that with: "5 PS: Raising Psychologically scarred children 14-"
  21. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game I should of mentioned, Justice & Guardian both have a plethora of characters. I have 54 Alts at this point.
  22. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game Looks like my main playing area is on Infinity now, but I have Alts on every server. Different At's have different sweet spots in terms of playability IMO. Tankers don't get that interesting I think until the 20s. I'm biased toward Scrappers & Blasters, though I like Controllers & Defenders in groups.
  23. Re: Latest info regarding Tunguska Tesla One and Tesla Two, both about Tesla testing his death ray the morning that Tunguska happened.
  24. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game We're supposed to get something for that, but heck if I know when that's going to happen. And just to let people know, there is a "Hero Boards" channel available.
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