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Everything posted by lemming

  1. Re: Musings on Random Musings Doh! Forgot the Ubersoft link. It's just a parody, though I had a boss once that sounded close to that. (I'm much happier in my new profession)
  2. Re: Musings on Random Musings Thanks. I just didn't feel like looking it up just then.
  3. Re: A Thread for Random Musings "I'm pretty sure it's illegal whether they arrest you or not!" "That's why your income will never exceed five digits."
  4. Re: The Last Word On getting stuff from parents: I didn't meet my father until I was 31. My wife was there one of the times and she noticed several mannerisms we both shared.
  5. Re: Musings on Random Musings /etc/hosts (or wherever it is in windows land) could be edited to have the company's address point to a benign file. Though I go similar to Old Man and do NoScript. (I also use the extensions Smart Middle Click, and Tabbed Browser Preferences) Heck, Cancer wrote it so nicely... A second note, it is possible that the hosts file is not the first thing checked. Though I believe by default for most systems.
  6. Re: Decoupling Figured Characteristics A little snippage, but I've always liked this. And I think it was to get people not to have 11 COM for free. On to the rest: I'm for decoupling myself, I'm not entirely happy with Rod's version, but you have to start with something. I'd have CON at 1, DEX at 2, REC at 2. Sam Bell ran a Fantasy Hero game that did this, but it was more complicated. Some examination of ECs & MP would have to happen as well.
  7. Re: Decoupling Figured Characteristics One thing I've noted over the years is that different groups have different values for COM. (Or maybe my group was the one that was wacky. Very possible) Having it as a Perk does make some sense, but I like the numbers...
  8. Re: Help find some art sites They may find some useful stuff via: http://scottmccloud.com/
  9. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Just saw "My Super Ex-Girlfriend". Cute film.
  10. Re: Strength:Mass Ratio Restriction I did have a character that was limited to 50 STR without Density Increase. Other than that it didn't have any effect.
  11. Re: Let's make a superhero base auditions (Topside description)
  12. Re: Musings on Random Musings Well crap. I've been there and it sucks. See if you can use some vacation time and look for a job during it. I went thru a similar situation for a little over a year and it took a heavy toll on my psyche. Even if the people responsible got fired soon after I left.
  13. Re: Character: Particle man So does he do everything a particle can?
  14. Re: ASTOUNDING HERO TALES Makes Stoker Preliminary Ballot! Nice
  15. Re: The Last Word I never cheated in college, though one professor had the exact same routine every semester, so everyone knew what to expect. He was also the one who wanted to throw me out of college for cheating. Turns out if one person is taking the class and another is auditing the class, they better not have the same name. He never apologized for it though he did say I could come back to class. 25 years later and it still bugs me.
  16. Re: The cranky thread It's been snowing a lot here and with it just above freezing and then dipping below, lots of ice. A few people are worried since it's a lot more snow than usual, but people are just dealing with it.
  17. Re: Best and worst jobs for Superheroes I see her more in a villain role...
  18. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game There would be, I forget the matchup though.
  19. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game Yep. Most times they have these, I'm out of town. I'm leaving on a business trip on the 7th and getting back the 11th. Grrr.
  20. Re: Order of the Stick I want a character with that summon spell.
  21. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game Yes, there is, if someone hasn't invited you yet, I'll be sending an invite tonight
  22. Re: Replacing Hexes with Squares Well, my DDC game is going to be using squares since that's what Lego comes in, but I've got some Lego measuring sticks for figuring out ranges.
  23. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Yep. The timing is going to suck. House arrives Friday, but we didn't want carpet, so we're flooring most of the house. I'm going to start moving stuff over as soon as the house is in and just putting everything I can into the two bathrooms and the kitchen which has already got flooring.
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