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Everything posted by lemming

  1. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I scattered my mom's ashes Tuesday night. Spent the evening in Stinson and then visited around the area the next day.
  2. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game Back to killing the communications officer instead of the portal first.
  3. Re: The Last Word I knew right off the bat what L. Marcus meant about Holy Diver. Though odd selection for a wedding, IMO. Though much better than "Welcome to the Jungle", by GnR And I think Dio had other hits, but checking his greatest hits listing, I just recognized "Rainbow in the Dark". I was probably thinking of some of his Black Sabbath & Rainbow bits.
  4. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? I'm watching the Willy Wonka remake. As a totally different film, I like it.
  5. Re: Musings on Random Musings One of these weekends I'm in Phoenix, maybe I'll see if I can see.
  6. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Phoenix is a very nice temperature this weekend.
  7. Re: Steve's Chat Tonight (Weds., Feb. 6) Someone threw Badger?
  8. Re: The Last Word I've never been to Tennesee. That's the only state I haven't been in.
  9. Re: Decoupling Figured Characteristics My pricing would have CON at 1. It's useful enough versus certain rolls and not being stunned.
  10. Re: The Last Word I've been to Georgia a couple times in the last two years. Last time was just the Atlanta airport, which wasn't too bad. Time before was a run up to the middle of Georgia from New Orleans. Not much besides seeing the road, so can't say much about Georgia either way.
  11. Re: (really) Super Tuesday Hmm, maybe thinking of what ages the characters are when they were being played... Most of them, too young or alien. Scales: Well over the age requirement, being over 100... Though I'm not sure of how people would vote for a 8'2" metal covered thing... And let's face it, all the skeleton's in his closet would be a lot of fodder for the media. Calico: "Are you insane!?" would be the first words from her. Hmm, Ex-CIA operative who was undercover in a super villain group and didn't break cover for years. Yea, people would vote for her...
  12. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER I'll be in the SF Area. Though probably furiously putting together my props for DDC.
  13. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER This will be the third year in a row that I will not be with my wife on Feb 14.
  14. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER It's got a lot of Dip in it.
  15. Re: WHen did The Hero system first That's why they had the GURPS Time Travel line...
  16. Re: The cranky thread Today just sucked. I have to keep remembering there are good people out there and I work with a bunch of them. Just there are some real people out there. And I dealt with a broad range of them today. And what was my worst, having to tell someone that the cat that they fell in love with while visiting in November is dying and probably only has a short time left and wouldn't survive the trip to Atlanta.
  17. Re: "Neat" Pictures Link with pictures including showing slime production. Hagfish And a nice discussion of each with links, no pictures: Lamprey & Hagfishes Yea, probably was Hagfish since they are often referred to as slime eels, though both are rather slimy.
  18. Re: The cranky thread Well in defense of QA, there is no such thing as non-buggy code. Too many permutations to get everything. Now if it's a past bug that got fix, then there's no excuse IMO. (Former QA)
  19. Re: The Last Word My knees sound like rice krispies when I stand up and when I rotate one ankle it makes a click with each turn. Broken nose, left pinky knuckle, right little toe in five places, collarbone, left arm, and my right thumb got bent back tearing a chunk of bone off with the tendon. At least those are the ones that got X-Rays. I suspect a couple cracked ribs and the big toe was disloacted. I can't catalog the number of sprains, but I have had five major concussions.
  20. Re: Thou Shalt Not Speak Its Name I think KA. has excellent points. I had a couple GMs that pulled similar actions and while a normal supervillain, you may not beat them, but you wouldn't be humiliated. With someone like CLOWN, you'd get humiliated as well.
  21. Re: Thou Shalt Not Speak Its Name
  22. Re: The Last Word I had a sprain which after the doctor saw it said he'd never seen a sprain that bad without breaking something. I have some permanent bruises from that. The ankles seem to be acting fine, but it's my knees that give me occasional problems.
  23. Re: The Last Word No flame, just pity for your poor taste. Though I give a alice a pass because of her supertaster genes.
  24. Re: WHen did The Hero system first Derek probably has all that stuff easy to find... Though just to note, GURPS as a predecessor had Fantasy Trip which had some inklings of what hexes and char point costs could have. It's what got me to pick up Champions quickly.
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