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Everything posted by lemming

  1. Re: What was Marvel's WORST decade? Just another one that dropped marvel in the 90s and never went back. And don't see why I would.
  2. Re: Musings on Random Musings It's not ice cold, but it's still colder than room temp. And pretty damn tasty.
  3. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Some cats, are just gassy. Sometimes diet related. One of our personal cats would belch on occasion. Very audibly.
  4. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Well, that would be my Best Friends. What was the article about?
  5. Re: Menton is up Well, yea. It's been done a lot. I think the brain in a plexiglass tube is my favorite villain really. (Also done a few times, as in San Angelo Enemies)
  6. Re: Menton is up At least put the brain in a plexiglass case.
  7. Re: Musings on Random Musings I heard that's why rootbeer is disliked in Australia, since it's the flavor of most medicines. But then, they have musk flavored lifesavers.
  8. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Actually, not that deadly. It does make them a bit more susceptible to other infections, but as long as they're not exposed unnecessarily, they can live quite well. Not very contagious either. Most infections happen from deep bites or sex. And if they're neutered or spayed, sex isn't going to do it. FeLV is much more contagious and generally kills kittens within two years if they catch it that young. Adults tend to have better survivability since they already built up some immunities to other viruses. From our Cat info page Info on FIV Info on FeLV
  9. Re: The Last Word There are some red ants here that hurt like hell, but at least I don't have a reaction like some people. But yes, fire ants are very bad.
  10. Re: "Neat" Pictures If you're ever in Vegas, visit the Atomic Testing Museum.
  11. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? One of my computers suddenly got a lot more quiet when one of it's fans died. It's got redundant ones, so not too serious, but I'll be replacing a few... And for music: Girl U Want - Devo
  12. Re: The Last Word During the Loma Prieta earthquake, I was on the third floor when I noticed a tree outside my window, that I normally couldn't see. It kept bobbing into view. That got me to take it seriously. Immediately afterwards, one of my coworkers raced out of the office. Took a second to realize why, he had just bought a motorcycle. It was fine, apparently the bike just kept wacking the pavement with the kickstand. His brother's bike did the same thing across town.
  13. Re: A Thread for Random Musings It's amazing how many people will assume a large truck will get out of the way of a small car.
  14. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Forgotten Sanity - Curve
  15. Re: Musings on Random Musings Geez, and all you have to move is across the bay. I didn't have AC while I lived in the Bay Area. (Granted there were a couple times I wished I did)
  16. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? The Beast Within - Jim Carroll
  17. Re: The Last Word Ok. For a more serious take: Change for its own sake is usually not all that great. If one is changing things to see if they can be better, I can sympathize, but it depends on why the change. For instance: At work, we used to have $40/day for meal expenses just given. Now it's $30/day, but we have to prove it with reciepts, tape them neatly on a blank sheet of paper, fill out an expense report, and turn them in within ten days. I now have three expense reports per trip. For Meals, Other expenses, and Hotel. It's amazingly annoying with me going out every weekend.
  18. Re: Champions Online Wallpapers Doctor Destroyer does look a little Dr. Fate like, but it's not a bad look. Especially with the cape. Defender, I just don't like it.
  19. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Something Bad Happened to a Clown - Warren Zevon
  20. Re: The Last Word Change is BAD! Especially a lot of pennies
  21. Re: The Last Word Change is BAD!
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