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Everything posted by lemming

  1. Re: Do you have any "deal breakers" when it comes 6th edition? No need for you to buy the 6th edition. If it looks good, buy it, if not don't. You took long enough to buy 5th. Hero is just working with 6th and putting in changes they think are wanted or needed. And they're accepting input.
  2. lemming

    Mummy Dearest

    Re: Mummy Dearest Calico would use a wire hanger to tear the mummy apart. And then go after the punster who came up with the title.
  3. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Bad week for electronics. While driving back from Vegas I pass a construction site and then the acrid smell of the smoke being let out of some electronics hits me. I think it's the construction and air out the van. And then the MP3 player stops. Nothing to be done about it at the time, and turns out it's the USB power converter for it that blew. Lost my Nikon Coolpix camera. The one I'd carry if I didn't want to carry the D80. Decided today to clean my computer cases. One dead fan on my gaming system that I don't have a spare for. Will probably pick it up in Phoenix. My wife had a dead fan as well and then I noticed her power supply fans. Both of them dead. Her machine is still running fine and well within temp tolerance, but geez. Thank the redundancy deities. So I think what I'll be buying this weekend: A new power supply. (I just don't feel like redoing the fans...) A fan for my system An air purifier for the computer room.
  4. Re: The cranky thread Silly phantom page
  5. Re: Do you have any "deal breakers" when it comes 6th edition? Hmm: Deal Breakers for me. The sacrifice of puppies and kittens for every book published. I think that would stop me from buying a copy.
  6. Re: The Last Word I'm sure there are, but not to me.
  7. Re: You know the GM has it in for you when...
  8. Re: Musings on Random Musings Good Luck!
  9. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Pascal is decent for teaching some programming concepts, but other than that...
  10. Re: The cranky thread A friend of mine went thru it that way as well. My wisdom teeth were in similar situation and were little bits when they were taken out. I don't remember much about the aftermath except I did have some good pain meds. And congrats to hermit for surviving!
  11. Re: The cranky thread My wisdom teeth needed to come out for about three years before they did. I got knocked out for the procedure. Woke up five minutes after being wheeled into the recovery room.
  12. Re: Name Something You'd Allow That The GM At The Convention Didn't I prefer people to bring their own. I'm a pretty fast weeder.
  13. Re: Name Something You'd Allow That The GM At The Convention Didn't I believe that one is going to be playing the personality and some powers just don't fly with some GMs.
  14. Re: Order of the Stick I never thought James was that naive...
  15. Re: The cranky thread That reminds me, I need to replace the piece of cardboard with some silicone on the shower door.
  16. Re: Musings on Random Musings Could never get in the habit, but right now would be a good idea.
  17. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER When we first brought Risque' home, my wife and I were getting ready for bed, and Risque' was on the bed when he suddenly shot out of the room. I think the words were "Why do you think he just went out of the :ugly:" It took a good hour before we could go back in. Thankfully, he never expelled that much evil again.
  18. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread Who are you and where did you get this number?
  19. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER One of our cats loved real spicy food. She could eat Thai chicken hotter than I could. The only real danger is if she ate refried beans. But it was a one day thing with her.
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