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Everything posted by lemming

  1. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? I've spent the last few thursday nights in hotel rooms, so I wound up watching "Burn Notice" Fairly amusing.
  2. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread It's important to be able to count as a chiropractor. You want the right bone adjusted. (Was that the third or fourth vertebrae?)
  3. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread More than 300 pets adopted so far at the SLC Super, not bad at all.
  4. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Some cats just love faucet water. On Science Diet, it's not really all that great of a food. A lot of cats don't like it either. You might want to see if you can find a grain free food. I think wellness has one that's Turkey, Turkey heart, and Turkey Liver.
  5. Re: Musings on Random Musings I tend to go for blowing them up. Bridges are over rated anyway, you can always use a catapult.
  6. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER And thanks to Cancer for making my peers job in Seattle easier. It's interesting when you can tell which foster had which kitten group.
  7. Re: The Last Word Yep. Slower machines are even slower with OO. But on decent machines, it works well.
  8. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Last week, I nearly had sunstroke in LA and today, I drove through a snow storm near SLC.
  9. lemming


    Re: Quandry. It would not surprise me. And I've been liking some of the new stuff in CoH, so I may have to play more than one MMO for a bit.
  10. Re: The Last Word Probably OpenOffice, but he may have gone for something a little faster. I really like OO, but occasionally it's a bit slow.
  11. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Our Ava cat will not eat cruchies, but will eat all manners of other stuff. She likes guacamole for instance.
  12. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Good luck with the little guy.
  13. Re: Musings on Random Musings Yay Bunneh!
  14. Re: The cranky thread Hey Right Hand! Left hand here. WTF ARE YOU DOING!?
  15. Re: Order of the Stick At least that wasn't an imaginary invisible dead turtle.
  16. Re: Loved at home hated by the world. And then there are the countries that wouldn't extradite you because you'd be facing the death penalty.
  17. Re: You, or your PC? I'll borrow elements from my personality, but many of my characters have different ideals and ways of doing things. Likes & Dislikes are another thing. For instance, the smoking thing. I dislike smoking, but a few of my characters did. It just fit in with what their personality would be like. Of my characters, there's only a few I'd actually want to hang out with.
  18. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I hate it when my brain will not shut up. I slept well the first few hours, woke up at 3am and my brain started up. Time to break out the Q-tips.
  19. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Gah. From now thru May, I'll have 11 nights at home.
  20. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Prostate, not so much fun. I've had worse. Possible TMI ahead:
  21. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Between a medical family, touring coroner facilities, and then working with animals, very little grosses me out.
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