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Everything posted by lemming

  1. Yep. Hence the need to convert by taking the filter off.
  2. Take a look via google for "ir photos". You'll get stuff like: http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2009/01/11/40-incredible-near-infrared-photos/ Same thing with UV. (Still need to convert one of my old digital cameras...)
  3. This one may be neater for me. I tried out a panorama last year while up at the Grand Tetons. Didn't have the things lined up right and it just didn't work with the tools I had at the time. Since then found Hugin, which is a Open Source Panorama sticher that pretty much most of the work for you. -> http://hugin.sourceforge.net/ This is a result of seventeen photos put together. (Full size is ~10 times larger in each dimension) jackson_lake_gt_120904_01_lr by lemming552, on Flickr
  4. We had a team jet that had a base NPC "Bob the Pilot" who would never let the Jet get within a mile of a combat.
  5. lemming


    For a period of time, one of Sam Bell's games. We had six Bricks and one Martial Artist for a team. It worked well in that we were a pretty diverse group of bricks.
  6. Finally making a push to catch up on my archives of unedited photos. Working backwards and April 2013 is the only month to finish for this year. (Sad thing is, I've got stuff going back to 2008 to look thru)
  7. I had a character is a far future game named Scavenger. Archeoligist who had a bunch of various foci from different people in the past plus some more recent aquisition. Also done with a VPP. "That? Oh, that's just for display, I mean it's fully functional, but you'd have to be insane to use it." -pointing to some agent armor
  8. Did some experimental photography while volunteering for Grand 2 Grand This was a long exposure of the moon. g2g_130921_16_moon_lr by lemming552, on Flickr
  9. I still make residual SAN and Beserk rolls on jobs I no longer work at.
  10. iirc, Flying Fish is the resturant my wife shot her wedding ring under someone else's table while playing with it on the table... Great food as well, but that was close to when they first opened.
  11. One year ago in the mid-evening, while camping in Flaming Gorge in Utah, this little kitten meeped at me. I got a can of cat food for her, then asked around about her. She was too skittish to approach and according to the camp manager, she'd been dumped near the beginning of the summer. Earlier that day, I learned a friend of mine had succumbed to cancer. I had met Cathy during the rescue effort in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. This wasn't the first time I've seen stray cats while travelling, but having her meep and on the heels of the news of my friend, I knew I'd have to do something. We didn't have any trapping equipment and my camping companions had other priorities. Since Flaming Gorge isn't that far from home, I knew I could go home and come right back. And she had survived several months by being fed camp scraps, I figured a couple days could be risked. Three days later, I was back in late afternoon with a trap, carrier, some more food and enough supplies to last a few days. As it was, I found the camp site where she had been fed the night before. After talking with the campers there, I put the trap up with some fancy feast and headed out for a little bit. 1/2 hour later, she was in the trap. I did a quick transfer of her into a carrier (in the bathroom), where I first noticed her tortie face, and then headed back home getting home about 4am. I feared she'd be a bit feral, but she turned out to be easy to handle, just skittish. She did immediately fall in love with my wife and after having her checked by the vets, was able to introduce her to the rest of our crew. She got on great with the other cats, so we decided to keep her. She's still a little skittish around people other than my wife, but she's getting better.
  12. Yep, you forgot Pantera. Scorpia was one of the Terror Inc people that joined after Terror Inc imploded in 5th. (I think Feuer joined as well?) They're in Classic Enemies from 1989.
  13. Change Bad! However, the site has been slow since the hackers were attacking, so this speed doesn't seem any worse than usual. Still unbearable. The new format, I am not fond of and the speed issue is making me less likely to try to figure it out.
  14. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore My wife made for Valentines a Peanut Butter Cup Cheesecake. Might be better than the Bailey's Irish Cream Cheesecake.
  15. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Sounds like that ad was: "Ad Council "Boss of Prison Gang" Commercial" "She's talking about one of those v-chip commercials. A lady is sitting outside talking to a bunch of "prisoners" from some fake TV show, saying that she loves the show but it's too violent - are you going to stop shivving each other in the prison yard, so she has to block them. One of the prisoners corrects her and says "Shanking, it's a verb, to shank". Then they are offered lemonade. " Found the description, but not the actual video.
  16. Re: "Neat" Pictures Lego has always seemed to have a better than usual customer service.
  17. Re: "Neat" Pictures That's my excuse right now, though I found a bag of Lego at a thrift store last month cheap. Nothing too exciting, just some bricks at cheaper than usual.
  18. Re: "Neat" Pictures OK, I'll have to give her some respect for that. I've only seen the ads for the show and it's horrific.
  19. Re: The cranky thread Ah cool. Sounds like you have it covered. Sinus issues are there own sort of deal. (Had mine cleared out and straightened as well. Apparently my nasal/throat area was not designed well)
  20. Re: Hero Central Down for?? Thanks Dan for your work!
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