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Everything posted by lemming

  1. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Ah, the daily wrestling with the pigs seem to be right on schedule.
  2. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Hmm. Mapquest says route through Roswell. Maps.Google says El Paso. Decisions, Decisions.
  3. Re: The Most Powerful Laxative Known To Man Name being the "Eliminator"? ew.
  4. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Disturbing to look over at what temperature it is outside the van and see 125 F. Pretty sure it was the fact I was in the middle of traffic with asphalt, but Phoenix is rather toasty anyway.
  5. Re: Musings on Random Musings Could be you could find some Bain De Soleil ads. Google Bain De Soleil ads and you'll find some videos.
  6. Re: Order of the Stick "No, seriously, give em a good once-over!"
  7. Re: The Last Word Well, there was something about alt groups being filtered away fairly recently, so I'm guessing usenet is still around.
  8. Re: The cranky thread You want to make fun of a rodent with a knife?
  9. Re: "Neat" Pictures Same website that produced: Knitting Psychos
  10. Re: The cranky thread I like snakes for that work, but once acid is down there it gets a little problematic. Just wear goggles
  11. Re: Musings on Random Musings I just uncovered some Space Master in the storage shed.
  12. Re: The Last Word version with graphics Wiki has links to others And there are lots of other options...
  13. Re: Jokes What has four legs, is green, and can kill you if it falls out of a tree on you?
  14. Re: Musings on Random Musings I see Archermoo & I agree about MERP.
  15. Re: The cranky thread Could be worse: The sales rep could of been doing an order to get a bonus when the customer didn't even sign for it. Installer arrives to have the customer say "Get this crap out of here, we never bought it" And yes, the sales rep was fired and the stupid policy of rewarding sales people at time of "sale" was revised. I don't think the money was recovered since it seemed to have gone up her nose.
  16. Re: Susano's Eight Steps To Character Building We're interested!
  17. Re: Your FIRST Super Hero Character Hmm, I think I'll be removing the tin foil hat for tonight.
  18. Re: How would Stronghold imprison your character? Scales: Can't think of much other than hot sleep. Hard to hold a cross of The Thing & Dr. Strange. Calico: Strong room should do it. She'd probably have to be in solitary. Hated by a lot of the criminal element (and some of the heroes) and she'd be a "I'm not trapped in here with you, you're all trapped in here with me" type. Ice Pirate: She'd be underestimated the first dozen times. She'd be very good at escaping and would have a lot of fun with it. "What do you mean she handed you a get out of jail card!" "it was very convincing..." High levels of gadgeteering, persuasion, forgery, and many other skills.
  19. Re: The Art of Tree Shaping I admire the patience and planning that goes into that.
  20. Re: The Last Word bandersnatches are on back order.
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