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Everything posted by lemming

  1. Re: Hero Dice and the Glory of Hero Best to roll them so they bounce into a wall (or book) to avoid the non-randomness.
  2. Re: The cranky thread Yep, IT that doesn't know basic security annoys me as well.
  3. Re: "real" unicorn Mayan Calender ends and we can't find the next edition.
  4. Re: The Last Word Ocean Pacific.
  5. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Got Burn Notice on DVD and watched all the episodes before the last one. Which will be tonight. Fun to watch with a lot of gameresque dialog and action. The actors seemed to have a lot of fun as well.
  6. Re: I need some suggestions Anybody have skills? Gadgeteer inventor type or someone who is good at investigations? Martial artist perhaps?
  7. Re: Musings on Random Musings Cool. We'll get you into the Hero Board chat room and I'm on Infinity with a few of my mains. Send me a tell at @Lemming and I can kick some influence your way if needed.
  8. Re: Issue 2 of my webcomic "You know, those would heal if you had some padding under there." - Cerebus At least I think that was the line he used when the Red Sonja char took off her top...
  9. Re: The cranky thread Cool. I had a boss that had that type of rep as well. He didn't dance around the subject if you screwed up, but was also supportive if you did good. You were also able to push back and he'd listen to you. Best boss I've had.
  10. Re: The cranky thread Ouch Alice. Having had a similar thing once happen. She may be phrasing the questions so that your coworkers have no choice either. Here's hoping the CFO is a decent sort.
  11. Re: Musings on Random Musings My brain feels like it's been spangled.
  12. Re: The Last Word One could make a psychedelic rock song using this stuff for lyrics.
  13. Re: Musings on Random Musings I'll find out tomorrow how my coworker is doing, but she was pretty sick for the last couple weeks before they went "Hey! I think it's the gallbladder!" She sent her husband on an adoption run just to get him out of the house since he's been taking care of her during this.
  14. Re: Musings on Random Musings A coworker just had her gallbladder removed at midnight last week. Was back home the next morning.
  15. Re: A Game Of Questions If it's so constructive, could you make a bridge out of it?
  16. Re: "Neat" Pictures I'm pretty sure Pat Benetar was in color.
  17. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Hmm, slap a patch on that guy. He's leaking.
  18. Re: The Last Word Weclome back Cancer.
  19. Re: The cranky thread I find that low expectations of your management is a safe bet. May we be wrong.
  20. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Reading taken at 10:30 am Saturday 6/21 in a Tempe, AZ Parking Lot: One of the volunteers had a heat sensor that when you aim it at a surface it gives you the temp. I also had a inside/outside thermometer in the van. Sidewalk in shade: 102 F Sidewalk in sun : 135 F Red Curb: 150 F Asphalt: 175 F Inside of adoption: 137 F Outside of van (shade side) : 115 F Roof of Van : 137 F Instrument Panel : 170 F Thankfully, we were spending most of our time indoors.
  21. Re: Suggestion to the company and Steve for a book. I always was annoyed by Eurostar. Not sure if it was a campaign poisoning my thoughts, or if I just wasn't thrilled with them when initially presented.
  22. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER This thread wouldn't voom if you put four million volts thru it!
  23. Re: A question of power level Power level can mean so many things. I like seeing a breadth as characters develop. One of my more frustrating characters was a speedster. I wanted to have him do lots of power tricks and such, but I would of had to drop power by a lot. Instead, he was very fast and hit very hard multiple times. And very boring. Thankfully, the campaign itself was very interesting with many different plots going on. Another character of mine, tech wiz with many different skills and ways to do things. The first character would clean her clock, but she's more interesting to play. She's also about an extra 100 points... When you get down to low powered supers, I find them boring and probably have an adverse reaction to them due to some forced low power campaigns which were more low powered heroes and then you'd have 20 agents that were only 10-15 points lower than you in any combat. That being said, The Hero System is a toolkit that builds an infinite number of campaigns. You and your group have to work it out.
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