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Everything posted by lemming

  1. And will be getting my flu shot tomorrow. My wife is an at-risk, so better to keep up with at least denying the common flu a hold.
  2. Same year my grandmother passed. (Diabetes complications though)
  3. I have a large number of GURPs books and even ran a campaign for a bit, but Hero was much easier to run for me. TFT is what I played in the past, and Hero was a natural rpg to migrate to since GURPS didn't come until later.
  4. http://dangerousminds.net/comments/siouxsie_and_the_banshees_lysergic_home_movie_1984
  5. lemming

    Dumb Aliens?

    Morons from Outer Space spawned the typical salute in most of our games.
  6. Don't think it would survive shipping very well, but check out the book "Flour, Water, Salt, Yeast". It's pretty much what I use and it's easy. And I don't want to open a bakery cause that usually entails waking up early. I don't think I'll be doing more than a dozen loafs per week.
  7. Sold my first couple loafs of bread today. Complete side business by accident, but mainly because we don't have a real bakery in town.
  8. Get a message via facebook from Clueless. "Hey, the key you gave me to my storage locker doesn't work!" "Pretty sure I gave you the right one, and you're at #25?" "Yep, different brand of lock on the unit as well." "Ok, I'll come by in a few minutes to check." Five minute drive later, no sign of Clueless. I check the lock, yep, it's the right key, etc... Get home, message back to say I didn't see her there, but am sure it's the right key. She says she's been there the whole time. I call her and ask what storage unit place she's at. Of course it's the wrong one. I should note, she has been to her storage before.
  9. I did that on my little android device. It wouldn't have been such a big deal, but it always fought any changes I then tried to make.
  10. I'll second IJ3 recommendation of CC. 5th & 6th are not more complicated than 4th, just that the verbosity is much higher. There are stylistic differences in some of the constructs, but unless you want to just keep to 4th edition, I'd go with Champions Complete.
  11. When one person is the operation, and no good transition is in place, that is an issue. At least the board is sounding like they might be doing something. Yakima, not as bad as Pahrump. (While talking of imploding cat shelters)
  12. Bummer. Animal rescue is a tough thing to keep going. Tons of egos and it seems rare to find an organization with a smooth transition team.
  13. I have a friend who was doing Tank (Left 4 Dead?) and I think it was there.
  14. It's nicer than Yakima. Atlas is now in his new home and we're at my wife's aunts house in Seattle with this cat who is a foster from Purrfect Pals from Arlington. thunderbird_131028_01_lr by lemming552, on Flickr If I was in town longer than tomorrow, I'd want to meet up with you and Vondy, but maybe some other time.
  15. And off to Seattle after we drop Atlas off at his new home in Pasco. atlas_131027_01_lr by lemming552, on Flickr
  16. I have a couple damaged versions on my book shelves and at this point wouldn't be able to tell you which ones.
  17. I'm always curious about the cow that is standing far away from a group of cows. Did that cow have especially bad gas?
  18. Reminds me of a Con game (DunDraCon, late 80s I think, maybe early 90s). We all got our characters out and the GM asked us which super group we belonged to. Every single one of us said "The Protectors". Out of eight players, only two from the same gaming group...
  19. I'll pass on eating metal as well. The Cheese platter (minus the silly gold), the Mac & Cheese, and the truffle sound good. (I'm not a fan on cavier or foi gras, different reasons)
  20. I prefer Wasabi. (Hmm, wasabi gas?)
  21. +1 DC for two levels goes back to first edition of Fantasy Hero. (Spreading is one DC gives one OCV though)
  22. Did finish reading CC and found it to be very good. Pretty much all of the good from the full set in a concise format.
  23. "And I've felt torture, I've felt pain Just like that film with Michael Caine" - Godfathers "Birth, School, Work, Death"
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