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Everything posted by lemming

  1. Re: Rolling lots of D6s The quickest way I find to count up how much you've rolled is group everything by tens. First by pairs, (six + four, five + five), then triples, and so on. As you group them, slide them to the side into groups of five. Then you can quickly count that up. For body, you count up the sixes, subtract the ones and that's how up or down you are on body. I used to run in a very high powered game with a speedster that could do eight 24d6 movebys. And was accurate enough with enough movement to do 6-10 per phase. Speed 12. I broke a 1000 dice in one round and didn't slow down the game with counting, though I never wanted to do that again.
  2. Re: Various Powers at Edge of System Not a big thing, but your calculation is going to be off.
  3. Re: Rolling lots of D6s Bah. Once you get used to large numbers of dice, it's easy.
  4. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game I have a few homages of costumes here and there, but I generally just go with something else. I have a Mary Marvel on my electric brute and often yell Shazam before doing a Lightning Rod. That and I used to have a Phoenix costume on my fire blaster. Best used upon activation of the fire resurrect power.
  5. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Congrats. We're having #13 at the end of this month
  6. Re: The Last Word I was a little south of there last year. There's some pretty country over there.
  7. Re: The Last Word Good luck in NY.
  8. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... "Quit laughing at me!" "We're not laughing at you, we're laughing with you. Oh wait, we are laughing at you"
  9. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER little does Bazza know, we switched his j & q
  10. Re: stuff Ok. This has got to be one of the oddest to resurrect... Though I like Egyptoid's direction to current threads.
  11. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Isn't that being condescendingly redundant?
  12. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER I've barely played Poker FtF.
  13. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Nightmares Again. I wake up covered in sweat, and what seems to be a thin sheen of maple syrup
  14. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game I think I've reported a few characters, but mainly when going into their description I find things that would get you insta-banned on most boards. The homages, etc... I leave alone. A friend got his name changed to Generic. I forget the name, but his was -????- because ???? was already taken. ???? still existed. If you're going to ban a name, shouldn't you ban it completely?
  15. Re: The Last Word No brake or break zone.
  16. Re: Why houses near the spaceport are so cheap Well, it's one spot, you'd like a longer commute to.
  17. Re: henchmen for hire I always suspected Craigslist
  18. Re: How many staffers does a superhero team need?
  19. Re: How many staffers does a superhero team need? I'll have to dig out the sheets, but we had for the Protector's Mansion Librarian, Mechanic, Driver, Gardner, a couple scientists, a staff of detectives, the base AI counted since it was the ghost of my character's sister. I think there were a few others on staff that never got written up.
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