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Everything posted by lemming

  1. Re: EM-50 Urban Assault Vehicle My first ever Champions game I ran concerned the theft of an EM-50.
  2. Re: The Last Word And often Flan is served warm.
  3. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER I'm very glad to live at 5000'. Bane to feline fleas.
  4. Re: Musings on Random Musings I prefer the Havahart ones. And yep, Peanut Butter is great.
  5. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER According to my coworkers that know dogs, my experience was not unusual. Kittens are much easier for me.
  6. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Hmm. I'm much better with cats. Had a puppy in my hotel room last night with a cat. They got along fine which was cool. Everyone settled down around 1am though. Puppy on one side of me in bed, the cat on the other. I either am not good with dog signals, or something though. This morning, I get up. Put some clothes on, get the leash and say to the puppy "Want to go outside?" and he immediately pees on the bed. *sigh*
  7. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER We don't have carpet. Many pets and the red sand around in Kanab gets everywhere, so vinyl and hard "wood" floors were the better option.
  8. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Got back from the Portland road trip today around 3pm. Leave tomorrow for Phoenix. Get back Monday and don't have another road trip until Dec 27. Yay!
  9. Re: The cranky thread Sounds like Tootie was well loved. Sorry for your loss.
  10. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER I seem to be a little more restricted to the west side of the country than Cash was. Furthest I've been this year has been Austin & Dallas.
  11. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER I'm in Portland right now, and it warmed up quite a bit over the last couple days. Though I'm getting a little disoriented on localities. Was in San Diego last week, Vegas the two weekends before, and Los Angeles the week before that. Phoenix next week.
  12. Re: Who was WWII's most important leader? Well, Nagato was very worried about the missing carriers at Pearl and while the first wave was unopposed, the second wave started seeing actual resistance, so there were several compelling reasons. 1. US Carriers were not to be found. 2. No losses with what appeared to be pretty good results. Diminishing returns on further attacks. Hind sight is always going to point out all the mistakes.
  13. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Yay on the kittens. Me & my coworkers got five dogs and five cats into homes this last weekend.
  14. Re: Grond is up with podcast This one isn't that bad really. Maybe I never had much of an attachment to Grond? Though since Pattern Ghost pointed it out, yea, let's get more lizard than demon in the look.
  15. Re: (WWYCD) Superhero Assaination... More like if the Secret Service goes ahead and shoots the President. So yes.
  16. Re: Does anyone really roll 30D6? That used to be a 6d6 RKA, though I don't recall how many you were hit with on reentry. I have no problem with super heroes surviving a terminal velocity fall. It's in the genre. Heck, most of the people I gamed with were science majors, so we were figuring out how much waste energy was generated by some of the punches thrown by our mega-bricks. There should of been a zone of major destruction in any of those battles.
  17. Re: (WWYCD) Superhero Assaination... Any of my hero characters applicable would try to stop the assassination. Come to think of it, one team was mind controlled to kill the president. (First Bush IIRC). Heck, I think my villains would first see how this may effect their life and stop the assassination. This is all based on semi-real life analogy, of course.
  18. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER As internet memes go, I actually like this one, but lets not go too far.
  19. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Well, before going to psychotropics, I'd go with one of the flower essenses. Feliway is usually used to calm cats and get them more used to an area. Often used in carriers before we transport, and also to get cats to not mark. Though my experience is that it seems to have effect on 50% of cats. For a lot of behaviors, I've found some of the products from Bottled Blessings to be of use. From them, my wife and I use "No Bully" mainly for our thug of a cat. When we don't use it, his torment of the other cats increases. I think they have a version for getting cats to like each other more, though maybe just a calming one. However, Havoc may just not want to deal with another cat. And not much will change that. Heck, out of my seven, three of them like each other, two are in seperate areas because they don't like other cats. One's the computer room cat, the other is the TV cat. The others figure out places on the bed at night.
  20. Re: Musings on Random Musings Well, it can cause problems, but usually they have to get a large quantity of it. Similar to why we don't want them eating string. The worst that usually happens, you get poop on a rope being dragged around.
  21. Re: supper skills The Anti-Pie equation is something sought after by several villians including Darkside.
  22. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread Thinking more good thoughts for you Chad!
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